I have been trading over 6 years now, but only been using Algorithms with PRT for a few months now. I have numerous rock solid algorithms.
I have scalping algos, and swing trading algos. I have short term algos and long term algos. I even have algos that work on nearly every single time frame for certain assets.
I have backtested my algotrithms and I have ran them in a demo account and they have generated very good profits, and they have performed very well.
Sometimes the PRT backtest results are nothing like their actual performance when being used live, but my algos still perform strong when they are being run in the demo.
I am looking for a trading partner, to share my algos with, and I would like to run them in a live account with real money instead of the demo. Since I have tested them in the demo after back testing them in PRT I believe they are good to go.
If anyone would like to work with me to make money off these algos please let me know, im happy to share my algos. I do not have sufficient money to fund a live account so ideally id like someone who can fund a live account, and we can use my algos and we can share the profits equally (50/50).
I have attached screenshots of some of my algorithms.
If anyone would like to work with me in any way to finally start making consistent money trading, let me know.