MACD screener code issue

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProScreener support MACD screener code issue

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  • #245360

    Hi guys, am having issues with creating a new MACD screener, keep getting the same error message  (Line 1, Characters Missing, Suggestion: End of Code)

    code is:

    // MACD standard settings
    shortTerm = 12
    longTerm = 26
    signal = 9

    macd = exponentialaverage[shortTerm](close) – exponentialaverage[longTerm](close)
    macdSignal = exponentialaverage[signal](macd)
    hist = macd – macdSignal
    histPrev = hist[1]

    // Histogram crosses from negative to positive
    if hist > 0 and histPrev <= 0 then
    screener[0] = hist





    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Thank You

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