Machine Learning: Logistic Regression
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- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by
03/01/2021 at 5:37 PM #162889
Hola a todos, me gustaría poder tener este indicador (proveniente de la plataforma Tradingview) en PRT v.11.
Os dejo el código, así cómo un pantallazo de dicho indicador en Tradingview.
Muchas gracias de antemano.————————————————————————————————————————————
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © capissimo//@version=4
study(‘Machine Learning: Logistic Regression (v.3)’, ”, true)// Multi-timeframe Strategy based on Logistic Regression algorithm
// Description:
// This strategy uses a classic machine learning algorithm that came from statistics –
// Logistic Regression (LR).// The first and most important thing about logistic regression is that it is not a
// ‘Regression’ but a ‘Classification’ algorithm. The name itself is somewhat misleading.
// Regression gives a continuous numeric output but most of the time we need the output in
// classes (i.e. categorical, discrete). For example, we want to classify emails into “spam” or
// ‘not spam’, classify treatment into “success” or ‘failure’, classify statement into “right”
// or ‘wrong’, classify election data into ‘fraudulent vote’ or ‘non-fraudulent vote’,
// classify market move into ‘long’ or ‘short’ and so on. These are the examples of
// logistic regression having a binary output (also called dichotomous).// You can also think of logistic regression as a special case of linear regression when the
// outcome variable is categorical, where we are using log of odds as dependent variable.
// In simple words, it predicts the probability of occurrence of an event by fitting data to a
// logit function.// Basically, the theory behind Logistic Regression is very similar to the one from Linear
// Regression, where we seek to draw a best-fitting line over data points, but in Logistic
// Regression, we don’t directly fit a straight line to our data like in linear regression.
// Instead, we fit a S shaped curve, called Sigmoid, to our observations, that best
// SEPARATES data points. Technically speaking, the main goal of building the model is to
// find the parameters (weights) using gradient descent.// In this script the LR algorithm is retrained on each new bar trying to classify it
// into one of the two categories. This is done via the logistic_regression function by
// updating the weights w in the loop that continues for iterations number of times.
// In the end the weights are passed through the sigmoid function, yielding a
// prediction.// Mind that some assets require to modify the script’s input parameters. For instance,
// when used with BTCUSD and USDJPY, the ‘Normalization Lookback’ parameter should be set
// down to 4 (2,…,5..), and optionally the ‘Use Price Data for Signal Generation?’
// parameter should be checked. The defaults were tested with EURUSD.// Note: TradingViews’s playback feature helps to see this strategy in action.
// Warning: Signals ARE repainting.// Style tags: Trend Following, Trend Analysis
// Asset class: Equities, Futures, ETFs, Currencies and Commodities
// Dataset: FX Minutes/Hours++/Days//——————– Inputs
ptype = input(‘Close’,’Price Type’, options=[‘Open’,’High’,’Low’,’Close’,’HL2′,’OC2′,’OHL3′,’HLC3′,’OHLC4′])
reso = input(”, ‘Resolution’, input.resolution)
lookback = input(3, ‘Lookback Window Size |2..n| (2)’, minval=2)
nlbk = input(2, ‘Normalization Lookback |2..240| (120)’, minval=2, maxval=240)
lrate = input(0.0009, ‘Learning Rate |0.0001..0.01|’, minval=0.0001, maxval=0.01, step=0.0001)
iterations = input(1000, ‘Training Iterations |50..20000|’, minval=50)
ftype = input(‘None’, ‘Filter Signals by’, options=[‘Volatility’,’Volume’,’Both’,’None’])
curves = input(false, ‘Show Loss & Prediction Curves?’)
easteregg = input(true, ‘Optional Calculation?’)
useprice = input(true, ‘Use Price Data for Signal Generation?’)
holding_p = input(5, ‘Holding Period |1..n|’, minval=1)//——————– System Variables
var BUY = 1, var SELL = -1, var HOLD = 0
var signal = HOLD
var hp_counter = 0//——————– Custom Functions
cAqua(g) => g>9?#0080FFff:g>8?#0080FFe5:g>7?#0080FFcc:g>6?#0080FFb2:g>5?#0080FF99
: g>4?#0080FF7f:g>3?#0080FF66:g>2?#0080FF4c:g>1?#0080FF33:#00C0FF19
cPink(g) => g>9?#FF0080ff:g>8?#FF0080e5:g>7?#FF0080cc:g>6?#FF0080b2:g>5?#FF008099
: g>4?#FF00807f:g>3?#FF008066:g>2?#FF00804c:g>1?#FF008033:#FF008019volumeBreak(thres) =>
rsivol = rsi(volume, 14)
osc = hma(rsivol, 10)
osc > thresvolatilityBreak(volmin, volmax) => atr(volmin) > atr(volmax)
dot(v, w, p) => sum(v * w, p) // dot product
sigmoid(z) => 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-z))
logistic_regression(X, Y, p, lr, iterations) =>
w = 0.0, loss = 0.0
for i=1 to iterations
hypothesis = sigmoid(dot(X, 0.0, p)) //– prediction
loss := -1.0 / p * (dot(dot(Y, log(hypothesis) + (1.0 – Y), p), log(1.0 – hypothesis), p))
gradient = 1.0 / p * (dot(X, hypothesis – Y, p))
w := w – lr * gradient //– update weights[loss, sigmoid(dot(X, w, p))] //– current loss & prediction
minimax(ds, p, min, max) => // normalize to price
hi = highest(ds, p), lo = lowest(ds, p)
(max – min) * (ds – lo)/(hi – lo) + min//——————– Logic
ds = ptype==’Open’ ? open
: ptype==’High’ ? high
: ptype==’Low’ ? low
: ptype==’Close’ ? close
: ptype==’HL2′ ? (high+low)/2
: ptype==’OC2′ ? (open+close)/2
: ptype==’OHL3′ ? (open+high+low)/3
: ptype==’HLC3′ ? (high+low+close)/3
: (open+high+low+close)/4base_ds = security(”, reso, ds[barstate.ishistory ? 0 : 1])
synth_ds = log(abs(pow(base_ds, 2) – 1) + .5) //– generate a synthetic datasetbase = easteregg ? time : base_ds //– standard and optional calculation
synth = easteregg ? base_ds : synth_ds[loss, prediction] = logistic_regression(base, synth, lookback, lrate, iterations)
scaled_loss = minimax(loss, nlbk, lowest(base_ds, nlbk), highest(base_ds, nlbk))
scaled_prediction = minimax(prediction, nlbk, lowest(base_ds, nlbk), highest(base_ds, nlbk))filter = ftype==’Volatility’ ? volatilityBreak(1, 10)
: ftype==’Volume’ ? volumeBreak(49)
: ftype==’Both’ ? volatilityBreak(1, 10) and volumeBreak(49)
: truesignal := useprice ?
base_ds < scaled_loss and filter ? SELL : base_ds > scaled_loss and filter ? BUY : nz(signal[1])
: crossunder(scaled_loss, scaled_prediction) and filter ? SELL : crossover(scaled_loss, scaled_prediction) and filter ? BUY : nz(signal[1])changed = change(signal)
hp_counter := changed ? 0 : hp_counter + 1
startLongTrade = changed and signal==BUY
startShortTrade = changed and signal==SELL
endLongTrade = (signal==BUY and hp_counter==holding_p and not changed) or (changed and signal==SELL)
endShortTrade = (signal==SELL and hp_counter==holding_p and not changed) or (changed and signal==BUY)//——————– Rendering
plot(curves ? scaled_loss : na, ”,, 3)
plot(curves ? scaled_prediction : na, ”, color.lime, 3)plotshape(startLongTrade ? low : na, ‘Buy’, shape.labelup, location.belowbar, cAqua(10), size=size.small)
plotshape(startShortTrade ? high : na, ‘Sell’, shape.labeldown, location.abovebar, cPink(10), size=size.small)
plot(endLongTrade ? high : na, ‘StopBuy’, cAqua(6), 2, plot.style_cross)
plot(endShortTrade ? low : na, ‘StopSell’, cPink(6), 2, plot.style_cross)//——————– Alerting
alertcondition(startLongTrade, ‘Buy’, ‘Go long!’)
alertcondition(startShortTrade, ‘Sell’, ‘Go short!’)
alertcondition(startLongTrade or startShortTrade, ‘Alert’, ‘Deal Time!’) //– general alert//——————– Backtesting (TODO)
lot_size = input(0.01, ‘Lot Size’, options=[0.01,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5,1,2,3,5,10,20,30,50,100,1000])
ohl3 = (open+high+low)/3
var float start_long_trade = 0.
var float long_trades = 0.
var float start_short_trade = 0.
var float short_trades = 0.
var int wins = 0
var int trade_count = 0if startLongTrade
start_long_trade := ohl3
if endLongTrade
trade_count := 1
ldiff = (ohl3 – start_long_trade)
wins := ldiff > 0 ? 1 : 0
long_trades := ldiff * lot_size
if startShortTrade
start_short_trade := ohl3
if endShortTrade
trade_count := 1
sdiff = (start_short_trade – ohl3)
wins := sdiff > 0 ? 1 : 0
short_trades := sdiff * lot_sizecumreturn = cum(long_trades) + cum(short_trades) //– cumulative return
totaltrades = cum(trade_count)
totalwins = cum(wins)
totallosses = totaltrades – totalwins == 0 ? 1 : totaltrades – totalwins//——————– Information
show_info = input(true, ‘Show Info?’)
var label lbl = na
tbase = (time – time[1]) / 1000
tcurr = (timenow – time_close[1]) / 1000info = ‘CR=’ + tostring(cumreturn, ‘#.#’)
+ ‘\nTrades: ‘ + tostring(totaltrades, ‘#’)
+ ‘\nWin/Loss: ‘ + tostring(totalwins/totallosses, ‘#.##’)
+ ‘\nWinrate: ‘ + tostring(totalwins/totaltrades, ‘#.#%’)
+ ‘\nBar Time: ‘ + tostring(tcurr / tbase, ‘#.#%’)if show_info and barstate.islast
lbl :=, close, info, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price,, 100), label.style_label_left,, size.small, text.align_left)
label.delete(lbl[1]) -