Make a trade on each candle

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Make a trade on each candle

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  • #155111

    OffTopic :

    The button in your image is not the correct one. That is for posting to the library. See the image in my previous post for the correct button. 🙂

    Duh, so I didn’t even have the correct one. Apologies. Anyway, case proven. Haha.

    Perhaps we make too much of an assumption regarding everyone’s abilities.

    Thanks. So for me as a quite disabled person, how do I take care of the indentation to work out ?
    Or maybe it works after posting this ?

    Edit: So it does not.


    If by indentation you mean that the code is indented in the inserted code window then no that is not possible. The window simply recognises keywords and colours them accordingly and presents the code in a text that is similar to how it would appear on the platform.

    Anyway we are a bit off topic now….


    My apologies for my mis-understanding. I will use the insert button from now on.

    Thanks you to everyone for all your help.

    Have a Merry Christmas

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Merry Christmas to you too Trevor.

    When moderators correct forum members for their non following of forum rules it is not because we are power crazed fools or that we like telling people off it is simply because we like to keep a tidy forum that is pleasing to read through and easy to search through. Sometimes it can be a frustrating task when nooby after nooby posts in the wrong language in the wrong forum with a meaningless title and does not use the ‘Insert PRT Code’ button and so sometimes we might reply in a slightly frustrated manner – but we are all just human and we are all just giving our services to the forums for free!

    Merry Christmas to everyone – but do read (and understand) the forum rules before clicking submit! 🙂

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)

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