Market Structure Oscillator

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  • #240331

    Ciao, chiedo se possibile la traduzione di questo indicatore che sembra interessante e che penso valga la pena testare, grazie.

    // This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
    // © LuxAlgo

    indicator(‘Market Structure Oscillator [LuxAlgo]’, ‘LuxAlgo – Market Structure Oscillator’, false, format.price, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500)

    // Settings

    display = display.all – display.status_line

    msOsc_Group = ‘Market Structure Oscillator’

    msOsc_Show = input(true, “Market Structure Oscillator”, group = msOsc_Group)
    msWeightK1 = input.float(1, “  Short Term Weight”, minval = 0, group = msOsc_Group, step=.1, display = display)
    msWeightK2 = input.float(3, “  Intermediate Term Weight”, minval = 0, group = msOsc_Group, step=.1, display = display)
    msWeightK3 = input.float(2, “  Long Term Weight”, minval = 0, group = msOsc_Group, step=.1, display = display)
    norm_Smooth =, ‘  Oscillator Smoothing’, minval = 1, group = msOsc_Group, display = display)
    msBullColor = input.color(#3179f5, ‘  Gradient Colors: Bullish’, inline = ‘MS’, group = msOsc_Group)
    msBearColor = input.color(#ffa726, ‘Bearish’, inline = ‘MS’, group = msOsc_Group)
    oscSig = input(false, “Market Structure Oscillator – Crosses (Signals)”, group = msOsc_Group)
    oBullColor = input.color(#3179f5, ‘  Signal Colors: Bullish’, inline = ‘SIG’, group = msOsc_Group)
    oBearColor = input.color(#ffa726, ‘Bearish’, inline = ‘SIG’, group = msOsc_Group)

    cyc_Group = ‘Cycle Oscillator’
    cycleOpt = input(true, “Cycle Oscillator – Histogram”, group = cyc_Group)
    cyc_Smooth =, ‘  Cycle Signal Length’, minval = 1, group = cyc_Group, display = display)
    cBullColor = input.color(, 25), ‘  Histogram Colors: Bullish’, inline = ‘CYC’, group = cyc_Group)
    cBearColor = input.color(, 25), ‘Bearish’, inline = ‘CYC’, group = cyc_Group)
    cycleSig = input(false, “Cycle Oscillator – Crosses (Signals)”, group = cyc_Group)
    sBullColor = input.color(, 25), ‘  Signal Colors: Bullish’, inline = ‘SIG’, group = cyc_Group)
    sBearColor = input.color(, 25), ‘Bearish’, inline = ‘SIG’, group = cyc_Group)

    genericGroup = ‘Market Structures on Chart’
    msOnChart1 = input(false, “Short Term Structures”, group = genericGroup)
    msOnChartK1 = input.string(‘Dotted’, ‘  Line’, options = [‘Solid’, ‘Dashed’, ‘Dotted’], group = genericGroup, inline = ‘K1’, display = display)
    stMSLblK1T = input.string(‘Disabled’, ‘Labels’, options = [‘Enabled’, ‘Disabled’], group = genericGroup, inline = ‘K1’, display = display), stMSLblK1 = stMSLblK1T == ‘Enabled’
    cBullColorK1 = input.color(#089981, ‘  Colors: Bullish’, inline = ‘K1c’, group = genericGroup)
    cBearColorK1 = input.color(#f23645, ‘Bearish’, inline = ‘K1c’, group = genericGroup)

    msOnChart2 = input(false, “Intermediate Term Structures”, group = genericGroup)
    msOnChartK2 = input.string(‘Dashed’, ‘  Line’, options = [‘Solid’, ‘Dashed’, ‘Dotted’], group = genericGroup, inline = ‘K2’, display = display)
    stMSLblK2T = input.string(‘Disabled’, ‘Labels’, options = [‘Enabled’, ‘Disabled’], group = genericGroup, inline = ‘K2’, display = display), stMSLblK2 = stMSLblK2T == ‘Enabled’
    cBullColorK2 = input.color(#089981, ‘  Colors: Bullish’, inline = ‘K2c’, group = genericGroup)
    cBearColorK2 = input.color(#f23645, ‘Bearish’, inline = ‘K2c’, group = genericGroup)

    msOnChart3 = input(false, “Long Term Structures”, group = genericGroup)
    msOnChartK3 = input.string(‘Solid’, ‘  Line’, options = [‘Solid’, ‘Dashed’, ‘Dotted’], group = genericGroup, inline = ‘K3’, display = display)
    stMSLblK3T = input.string(‘Enabled’, ‘Labels’, options = [‘Enabled’, ‘Disabled’], group = genericGroup, inline = ‘K3’, display = display), stMSLblK3 = stMSLblK3T == ‘Enabled’
    cBullColorK3 = input.color(#089981, ‘  Colors: Bullish’, inline = ‘K3c’, group = genericGroup)
    cBearColorK3 = input.color(#f23645, ‘Bearish’, inline = ‘K3c’, group = genericGroup)

    msOscCG = ‘Oscillator Components’
    msDataK1 = input(false, “Short Term Oscillator”, group = msOscCG, inline = ‘k1w’)
    msColorK1 = input(, 50), “”, group = msOscCG, inline = ‘k1w’)

    msDataK2 = input(false, “Intermediate Term Oscillator”, group = msOscCG, inline = ‘k2w’)
    msColorK2 = input(, 50), “”, group = msOscCG, inline = ‘k2w’)

    msDataK3 = input(false, “Long Term Oscillator”, group = msOscCG, inline = ‘k3w’)
    msColorK3 = input(, 50), “”, group = msOscCG, inline = ‘k3w’)

    // User Defined Types

    type BAR
    float open = open
    float high = high
    float low = low
    float close = close
    int index = bar_index

    type SWINGS
    float lastPrice
    float midPrice
    float prevPrice

    int lastIndex
    int midIndex
    int prevIndex

    bool isCrossed

    type MS
    int type = 0

    // Variables

    BAR bar =

    var SWINGS stLow =
    var SWINGS stHigh =
    var MS stMS =

    var SWINGS itLow =
    var SWINGS itHigh =
    var MS itMS =

    var SWINGS ltLow =
    var SWINGS ltHigh =
    var MS ltMS =

    // Functions / Methods

    lineStyle(styleInText) =>
    switch styleInText
    ‘Dotted’ => line.style_dotted
    ‘Dashed’ => line.style_dashed
    => line.style_solid

    queryPatterns(lastPrice, midPrice, prevPrice, isSwingHigh) =>
    if isSwingHigh
    prevPrice < midPrice and midPrice >= lastPrice
    prevPrice > midPrice and midPrice <= lastPrice

    method queryPatterns(SWINGS this, isSwingHigh) =>
    if isSwingHigh
    this.prevPrice < this.midPrice and this.midPrice >= this.lastPrice
    this.prevPrice > this.midPrice and this.midPrice <= this.lastPrice

    method updatePattern(SWINGS this, price, index) =>
    this.isCrossed := false
    this.prevPrice := this.midPrice, this.midPrice := this.lastPrice, this.lastPrice := price
    this.prevIndex := this.midIndex, this.midIndex := this.lastIndex, this.lastIndex := index

    method setType(MS this, value) =>
    this.type := value

    normalize(buy, sell, smooth)=>
    var os = 0
    var float max = na
    var float min = na
    os := buy ? 1 : sell ? -1 : os

    max := os > os[1] ? bar.close : os < os[1] ? max : math.max(bar.close, max)
    min := os < os[1] ? bar.close : os > os[1] ? min : math.min(bar.close, min)

    ta.sma((bar.close – min)/(max – min), smooth) * 100

    shortMarketStructure() =>

    bull = false
    bear = false

    if queryPatterns(high, high[1], high[2], true )
    stHigh.updatePattern(high[1], bar_index[1])
    stHigh.isCrossed := false

    if bar.close > stHigh.lastPrice and not stHigh.isCrossed
    stHigh.isCrossed := true
    bull := true

    if queryPatterns(low , low[1] , low[2] , false)
    stLow.isCrossed := false
    stLow.updatePattern(low[1], bar_index[1])

    if bar.close < stLow.lastPrice and not stLow.isCrossed
    stLow.isCrossed := true
    bear := true

    normalize(bull, bear, norm_Smooth)

    marketStructure(SWINGS hSwingHigh, SWINGS hSwingLow, SWINGS lSwingHigh, SWINGS lSwingLow) =>

    bull = false
    bear = false

    cSwingHigh = lSwingHigh.queryPatterns(true)

    if cSwingHigh and cSwingHigh != cSwingHigh[1]
    hSwingHigh.updatePattern(lSwingHigh.midPrice, lSwingHigh.midIndex)
    hSwingHigh.isCrossed := false

    if bar.close > hSwingHigh.lastPrice and not hSwingHigh.isCrossed
    hSwingHigh.isCrossed := true
    bull := true

    cSwingLow = lSwingLow.queryPatterns(false)

    if cSwingLow and cSwingLow != cSwingLow[1]
    hSwingLow.updatePattern(lSwingLow.midPrice, lSwingLow.midIndex)
    hSwingLow.isCrossed := false

    if bar.close < hSwingLow.lastPrice and not hSwingLow.isCrossed
    hSwingLow.isCrossed := true
    bear := true

    normalize(bull, bear, norm_Smooth)

    collectData() => [shortMarketStructure(), marketStructure(itHigh, itLow, stHigh, stLow), marketStructure(ltHigh, ltLow, itHigh, itLow)]

    // Calculations – Market Structures on Chart
    //———————————————————————————————————————{“yaz_kizim {0} {1}”, ltHigh.lastPrice, ltHigh.isCrossed)

    if msOnChart1
    if bar.close > stHigh.lastPrice and not stHigh.isCrossed, stHigh.lastPrice, bar.index, stHigh.lastPrice, color = cBullColorK1, style = lineStyle(msOnChartK1), width = 1, force_overlay = true)

    if stMSLblK1, stHigh.lastPrice, bar.index, stHigh.lastPrice, color(na), text = stMS.type < 0 ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BoS’, text_color = cBullColorK1, text_size = size.tiny, text_halign = text.align_left, text_valign = text.align_bottom, force_overlay = true)

    if bar.close < stLow.lastPrice and not stLow.isCrossed, stLow.lastPrice, bar.index, stLow.lastPrice, color = cBearColorK1, style = lineStyle(msOnChartK1), width = 1, force_overlay = true)

    if stMSLblK1, stLow.lastPrice, bar.index, stLow.lastPrice, color(na), text = stMS.type > 0 ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BoS’, text_color = cBearColorK1, text_size = size.tiny, text_halign = text.align_left, text_valign = text.align_top, force_overlay = true)

    if msOnChart2
    if bar.close > itHigh.lastPrice and not itHigh.isCrossed, itHigh.lastPrice, bar.index, itHigh.lastPrice, color = cBullColorK2, style = lineStyle(msOnChartK2), width = 1, force_overlay = true)
    if stMSLblK2, itHigh.lastPrice, bar.index, itHigh.lastPrice, color(na), text = itMS.type < 0 ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BoS’, text_color = cBullColorK2, text_size = size.tiny, text_halign = text.align_left, text_valign = text.align_bottom, force_overlay = true)

    if bar.close < itLow.lastPrice and not itLow.isCrossed, itLow.lastPrice, bar.index, itLow.lastPrice, color = cBearColorK2, style = lineStyle(msOnChartK2), width = 1, force_overlay = true)
    if stMSLblK2, itLow.lastPrice, bar.index, itLow.lastPrice, color(na), text = itMS.type > 0 ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BoS’, text_color = cBearColorK2, text_size = size.tiny, text_halign = text.align_left, text_valign = text.align_top, force_overlay = true)

    if msOnChart3
    if bar.close > ltHigh.lastPrice and not ltHigh.isCrossed, ltHigh.lastPrice, bar.index, ltHigh.lastPrice, color = cBullColorK3, style = lineStyle(msOnChartK3), width = 1, force_overlay = true)

    if stMSLblK3, ltHigh.lastPrice, bar.index, ltHigh.lastPrice, color(na), text = ltMS.type < 0 ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BoS’, text_color = cBullColorK3, text_size = size.tiny, text_halign = text.align_left, text_valign = text.align_bottom, force_overlay = true)

    if bar.close < ltLow.lastPrice and not ltLow.isCrossed, ltLow.lastPrice, bar.index, ltLow.lastPrice, color = cBearColorK3, style = lineStyle(msOnChartK3), width = 1, force_overlay = true)

    if stMSLblK3, ltLow.lastPrice, bar.index, ltLow.lastPrice, color(na), text = ltMS.type > 0 ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BoS’, text_color = cBearColorK3, text_size = size.tiny, text_halign = text.align_left, text_valign = text.align_top, force_overlay = true)

    // Calculations – Oscillator

    oscTop = plot(msOsc_Show or msDataK1 or msDataK2 or msDataK3 ? 100 : na, ‘OSC Top’, color(na), display = display.none, editable = false)
    upperBand = plot(msOsc_Show or msDataK1 or msDataK2 or msDataK3 ? 85 : na, ‘Overbought Level’, color(na), display = display.none, editable = false)
    midLine = plot(msOsc_Show or msDataK1 or msDataK2 or msDataK3 ? 50 : na, ‘Equilibrium Level’,, 50), display = display, editable = false)
    lowerBand = plot(msOsc_Show or msDataK1 or msDataK2 or msDataK3 ? 15 : na, ‘Oversold Level’, color(na), display = display.none, editable = false)
    oscBtm = plot(msOsc_Show or msDataK1 or msDataK2 or msDataK3 ? 0 : na, ‘OSC Bottom’, color(na), display = display.none, editable = false)

    fill(oscTop, upperBand, 100, 85, top_color =, 100), bottom_color =, 73), title = “Overbought Fill”)
    fill(lowerBand, oscBtm, 15, 0, top_color =, 73), bottom_color =, 100), title = “Oversold Fill”)

    [stValue1, stValue2, stValue3] = collectData()

    msOSC = (msWeightK1 * nz(stValue1, 0) + msWeightK2 * nz(stValue2, 0) + msWeightK3 * nz(stValue3, 0)) / (msWeightK1 * (na(stValue1) ? 0 : 1) + msWeightK2 * (na(stValue2) ? 0 : 1) + msWeightK3 * (na(stValue3) ? 0 : 1))
    msPlot = plot(msOsc_Show ? msOSC : na, ‘Market Structure Oscillator’, color.from_gradient(msOSC, 0, 100, msBearColor, msBullColor), 1, display = display)

    if oscSig and ta.change(math.sign(msOSC – 50)) > 0, bar.low, ‘⦁’, color = color(na), textcolor = oBullColor, style = label.style_label_up, force_overlay = true)
    if oscSig and ta.change(math.sign(msOSC – 50)) < 0, bar.high, ‘⦁’, color = color(na), textcolor = oBearColor, style = label.style_label_down, force_overlay = true)

    plot(msDataK1 ? stValue1 : na, ‘Short Term Oscillator’, msColorK1, 1, display = display)
    plot(msDataK2 ? stValue2 : na, ‘Intermediate Term Oscillator’, msColorK2, 1, display = display)
    plot(msDataK3 ? stValue3 : na, ‘Long Term Oscillator’, msColorK3, 1, display = display)

    cycleFast = cycleOpt ? msOSC – ta.ema(msOSC, cyc_Smooth) + 50 : 50
    plotcandle(50., 50., 50., cycleFast, ‘Cycle Histogram’, cycleFast > 50 ? cBullColor : cBearColor, display = display, bordercolor = cycleOpt ? cycleFast > 50 ? cBullColor : cBearColor : color.gray)

    if cycleSig and ta.change(math.sign(cycleFast – 50)) > 0, bar.low, ‘⦁’, color = color(na), textcolor = sBullColor, style = label.style_label_up, force_overlay = true)
    if cycleSig and ta.change(math.sign(cycleFast – 50)) < 0, bar.high, ‘⦁’, color = color(na), textcolor = sBearColor, style = label.style_label_down, force_overlay = true)

    fill(msPlot, midLine, 100, cycleOpt ? 60 : 50, top_color =, 0), bottom_color =, 100), title = “Bullish Gradient Fill”)
    fill(msPlot, midLine, cycleOpt ? 40 : 50, 0, top_color =, 100), bottom_color =, 0), title = “Bearish Gradient Fill”)



    Ciao! Per favore, per evitare post duplicati, prima di creare il ticket, cerca informazioni nel forum. Grazie!!!


    D’accordo Ivan, ti ringrazio, la prossima volta farò ricerca più accurata, perchè avevo provato ad inserire il nome dell’indicatore e non avevo visto che ci fosse già.


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