Hi Vonasi,
I am new in this forum and I have programmed some basic personal indicators. So please if this question has passed this forum allready, my apologizes. I think my question is related to your indicator in a way. The difference is that yours is related to a fixed time of 4days or weeks or minutes. Mine is related to a certain price after the open.
I have an indicator which marks the entering point of a possible trade. I am looking for a way to display in the chart at the entering candle if it has reached my target “price+100″ earlier then my stop loss”price-25”. So If it has reached my target befor the stop loss.
indicator1: SMA[10]
indicator2: close[1]
c1 = indicator2 > indicator1
And now the part I am struggling with…
After c1 there can be 2 scenario’s, Scenario 1 is that the price will reach close[1] + 10 or Scenario2 is that the price will reach close[1] – 2. The scneario which shows up first is the one I want to see and display at the close[1] candle. The dispalying is n ot an issue for me.
Can you help me out with this, taht would be amazing. Thanks, Marc
So actually I want to use it as part of the indicator to backtest.
Thank you, Marc