The McGinley Dynamic indicator is a type of moving average that was designed to track the market better than existing moving average indicators. It is a technical indicator that improves upon moving average lines by adjusting for shifts in market speed.
McGinley Dynamic Indicator (MD)=MD[1]+N∗(MD[1]Price)4Price−MD[1]where:MD[1]=MD value of the preceding periodPrice=Security’s current priceN=number of periods
Thanks for your help. I realise the the solution is relativly simple just out of my grasp..
When I try the other McGinley Dynamic indicators listed they do not give the same results as the trading view indicator when viewed side by side. So my question is how do I modify indicator the average regression filter (33) for example or the other Lorenzo md.rtf so that the moving average lines are the same as the trading view averages. Thanks in advance.
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