Modifica indicatore Ichimoku follow pattern

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  • #243258



    vorrei chiedere cortese modifica del seguente indicatore ; mi servirebbe cambiare il pattern 4 ( cross tenkan kijun) associando al cross tenkan <kijun  il colore rosso dell’istogramma e il colore

    verde in caso di cross Tenkan> kijun.


    Grazie per l’aiuto

    // Ichimoku Follow Patterns | Oscillator
    // 21/04/2019 (Release 1.0)
    // Swapping @
    // Sharing ProRealTime knowledge (alt+16)

    // — Property settings
    //Katana = 1 //(1=true, 0=false)
    //Daisho = 1 //(1=true, 0=false)
    //Twist = 1 //(1=true, 0=false)
    //TenKij = 1 //(1=true, 0=false)
    // — end

    Tenkansen1 = (highest[9](high)+lowest[9](low))/2
    Kijunsen1 = (highest[26](high)+lowest[26](low))/2
    SenkouSA = (Tenkansen1[26]+Kijunsen1[26])/2
    SenkouSB = (highest[52](High[26])+lowest[52](Low[26]))/2

    if katana then
    Pattern1 = summation[2](Tenkansen1 = Kijunsen1) = 2 // Katana (2 candles follower)
    if daisho then
    Pattern2 = summation[3](Tenkansen1 = Kijunsen1) = 3 // Daisho (3 candles follower)
    if twist then
    Pattern3 = SenkouSA crosses over SenkouSB or SenkouSA crosses under SenkouSB // Twist crossing
    if tenkij then
    Pattern4 = Tenkansen1 crosses over Kijunsen1 or Tenkansen1 crosses under Kijunsen1 // Tenkan crossing Kijun

    if close > close[1] then // Katana bullish green
    r = 0
    g = 180
    else // Katana bearish red
    r = 180
    g = 0

    return Pattern1/1 coloured(r,g,0) style(histogram,1) as”Katana”, Pattern2/1.75 coloured(250,160,0) style(histogram,1)as”Daisho”, Pattern3/2 coloured(0,160,250) style(histogram,1) as”Twist”, Pattern4/-1.75 coloured(240,0,240) style(histogram,1) as”Ten/Kij”



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