Modification color between

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  • #240409


    je souhaiterai modifier les couleurs de l’indicateur ci-après de la façon suivante :

    si hband > hband[1] and lband > band[1] alors la couleur entre lband et hband est bleue et si hband < hband[1] and lband < band[1] alors la couleur entre lband et hband est rouge


    // Original Script > @DonovanWall
    // Adapted Version > @guikroth

    // Settings for 5min chart, BTCUSDC. For Other coin, change the parameters

    // Color variables

    downColorR = 255
    downColorG = 69
    downColorB = 0

    upColorR = 50
    upColorG = 205
    upColorB = 50

    midColorR = 0
    midColorG = 191
    midColorB = 255

    // Source
    src = customclose

    // Sampling Period
    // Settings for 5min chart, BTCUSDC. For Other coin, change the paremeters
    // per = defval=100, minval=1, “Sampling Period”

    // Range Multiplier
    // mult = defval=3.0, minval=0.1, “Range Multiplier”

    // Smooth Average Range
    wper = per*2 -1
    avrng = exponentialaverage[per](abs(src-src[1]))
    smrng = mult * exponentialaverage[wper](avrng)

    // Range Filter
    rngfilt = src
    If src > rngfilt[1] then
    If rngfilt[1] > src-smrng then
    rngfilt = rngfilt[1]
    rngfilt = src-smrng
    elsif rngfilt[1] < src+smrng then
    rngfilt = rngfilt[1]
    rngfilt = src+smrng
    filt = rngfilt

    // Filter Direction
    upward = 0
    If filt > filt[1] then
    upward = upward[1]+1
    elsif filt < filt[1] then
    upward = 0
    upward = upward[1]
    downward = 0
    If filt < filt[1] then
    downward = downward[1]+1
    elsif filt > filt[1] then
    downward = 0
    downward = downward[1]

    // Target Bands
    hband = filt + smrng
    lband = filt – smrng

    // Colors
    If upward > 0 then
    filtcolorR = upColorR
    filtcolorG = upColorG
    filtcolorB = upColorB
    elsif downward > 0 then
    filtcolorR = downColorR
    filtcolorG = downColorG
    filtcolorB = downColorB
    filtcolorR = midColorR
    filtcolorG = midColorG
    filtcolorB = midColorB

    if src > filt and src > src[1] and upward > 0 then
    barcolorR = upColorR
    barcolorG = upColorG
    barcolorB = upColorB
    elsif src > filt and src < src[1] and upward > 0 then
    barcolorR = upColorR
    barcolorG = upColorG
    barcolorB = upColorB
    elsif src < filt and src < src[1] and downward > 0 then
    barcolorR = downColorR
    barcolorG = downColorG
    barcolorB = downColorB
    elsif src < filt and src > src[1] and downward > 0 then
    barcolorR = downColorR
    barcolorG = downColorG
    barcolorB = downColorB
    barcolorR = midColorR
    barcolorG = midColorG
    barcolorB = midColorB


    // Break Outs
    longCond = (src > filt and src > src[1] and upward > 0) or (src > filt and src < src[1] and upward > 0)
    shortCond = (src < filt and src < src[1] and downward > 0) or (src < filt and src > src[1] and downward > 0)

    CondIni = 0
    If longCond then
    CondIni = 1
    elsif shortCond then
    CondIni = -1
    CondIni = CondIni[1]

    longCondition = longCond and CondIni[1] = -1
    shortCondition = shortCond and CondIni[1] = 1

    If longCondition then
    Drawarrowup(barindex,low-AverageTrueRange[14](close)) coloured(0,255,255)
    If shortCondition then
    Drawarrowdown(barindex,high+AverageTrueRange[14](close)) coloured(255,255,0)

    Return filt style(line,4) coloured(barcolorR,barcolorG,barcolorB,255) as “Range Filter”, hband style(line,2) coloured(upColorR,upColorG,upColorB,100) as “High Target”, lband style(line,2) coloured(downColorR,downColorG,downColorB,100) as “Low Target”



    Ajoutez ce bout de code pour voir



    merci pour ce retour mais cela ne fonctionne pas. La couleur de remplissage entre les deux limites ne change pas.


    Le remplissage se fait selon les conditions que tu as demandé

    Désactive les lignes :  – 112 et 113


    Augmente les valeurs (max 255) de ces variables : alphaZoneUp  et  alphaZoneDown







    Comme ça

    // Original Script > @DonovanWall
    // Adapted Version > @guikroth

    // Settings for 5min chart, BTCUSDC. For Other coin, change the parameters

    // Color variables

    downColorR = 255
    downColorG = 69
    downColorB = 0

    upColorR = 50
    upColorG = 205
    upColorB = 50

    midColorR = 0
    midColorG = 191
    midColorB = 255

    // Source
    src = customclose

    // Sampling Period
    // Settings for 5min chart, BTCUSDC. For Other coin, change the paremeters
    // per = defval=100, minval=1, “Sampling Period”

    // Range Multiplier
    // mult = defval=3.0, minval=0.1, “Range Multiplier”

    // Smooth Average Range
    wper = per*2 -1
    avrng = exponentialaverage[per](abs(src-src[1]))
    smrng = mult * exponentialaverage[wper](avrng)

    // Range Filter
    rngfilt = src
    If src > rngfilt[1] then
    If rngfilt[1] > src-smrng then
    rngfilt = rngfilt[1]
    rngfilt = src-smrng
    elsif rngfilt[1] < src+smrng then
    rngfilt = rngfilt[1]
    rngfilt = src+smrng
    filt = rngfilt

    // Filter Direction
    upward = 0
    If filt > filt[1] then
    upward = upward[1]+1
    elsif filt < filt[1] then
    upward = 0
    upward = upward[1]
    downward = 0
    If filt < filt[1] then
    downward = downward[1]+1
    elsif filt > filt[1] then
    downward = 0
    downward = downward[1]

    // Target Bands
    hband = filt + smrng
    lband = filt – smrng

    // Colors
    If upward > 0 then
    filtcolorR = upColorR
    filtcolorG = upColorG
    filtcolorB = upColorB
    elsif downward > 0 then
    filtcolorR = downColorR
    filtcolorG = downColorG
    filtcolorB = downColorB
    filtcolorR = midColorR
    filtcolorG = midColorG
    filtcolorB = midColorB

    if src > filt and src > src[1] and upward > 0 then
    barcolorR = upColorR
    barcolorG = upColorG
    barcolorB = upColorB
    elsif src > filt and src < src[1] and upward > 0 then
    barcolorR = upColorR
    barcolorG = upColorG
    barcolorB = upColorB
    elsif src < filt and src < src[1] and downward > 0 then
    barcolorR = downColorR
    barcolorG = downColorG
    barcolorB = downColorB
    elsif src < filt and src > src[1] and downward > 0 then
    barcolorR = downColorR
    barcolorG = downColorG
    barcolorB = downColorB
    barcolorR = midColorR
    barcolorG = midColorG
    barcolorB = midColorB



    // Zone de couleurs : selon des conditions
    alphaZoneUp = 111
    alphaZoneDown = 55

    if hband > hband[1] and lband > lband[1] then
    DRAWTRIANGLE(barindex[0], hband[0], barindex[1] , hband[1] , barindex[0], lband[0]) coloured ( 0,111,255,alphaZoneUp) bordercolor(0,111,255,0)
    DRAWTRIANGLE(barindex[0], lband[0], barindex[1] , lband[1] , barindex[1], hband[1]) coloured ( 0,111,255,alphaZoneUp) bordercolor(0,111,255,0)
    if hband < hband[1] and lband < lband[1] then
    DRAWTRIANGLE(barindex[0], hband[0], barindex[1] , hband[1] , barindex[0], lband[0]) coloured ( 255,64,0,alphaZoneDown) bordercolor(255,64,0,0)
    DRAWTRIANGLE(barindex[0], lband[0], barindex[1] , lband[1] , barindex[1], hband[1]) coloured ( 255,64,0,alphaZoneDown) bordercolor(255,64,0,0)

    // Break Outs
    longCond = (src > filt and src > src[1] and upward > 0) or (src > filt and src < src[1] and upward > 0)
    shortCond = (src < filt and src < src[1] and downward > 0) or (src < filt and src > src[1] and downward > 0)

    CondIni = 0
    If longCond then
    CondIni = 1
    elsif shortCond then
    CondIni = -1
    CondIni = CondIni[1]

    longCondition = longCond and CondIni[1] = -1
    shortCondition = shortCond and CondIni[1] = 1

    If longCondition then
    Drawarrowup(barindex,low-AverageTrueRange[14](close)) coloured(0,255,255)
    If shortCondition then
    Drawarrowdown(barindex,high+AverageTrueRange[14](close)) coloured(255,255,0)

    Return filt as “Range Filter”, hband as “High Target”, lband as “Low Target”



    Peux tu envoyer un graphique avec des annotations de ce que tu souhaites obtenir au final?

    * j’ai définie per =100 et mult =3


    En fait, ce que je recherche est exactement ce que ton graphique mentionne. Sauf que quand j’intègre tes lignes de code, le rendu n’est pas le même. Je pense que quelque chose m’échappe.

    Merci encore pour ton aide sur ce sujet.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Encore plus simple avec  Iván  🙂


    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Merci à tous les deux.

    je testerai ce soir.

    Bonne soirée.



    cela fonctionne correctement (voir pièce jointe).

    Néanmoins, je m’interroge sur la possibilité de lisser les hausses et les baisses de façon à éviter des zones sans remplissage.




    pour illustrer mon propos j’ai fait un scan du rendu que j’aimerai avoir.

    Peut-être coder un lissage ? Mais je ne sais pas quel paramètre prendre.

    Merci pour votre aide.

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