Multi timeframe – MTF indicators for ProRealTime

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support Multi timeframe – MTF indicators for ProRealTime

  • This topic has 161 replies, 52 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by avatarJS.
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  • #177689

    This is the same one as above, that can be used in straategies:

    Tnx for that. So to understand TimeFrame keyword, why have you used the below 3 timeframes in the same code? How are they different from each other?
    The time frames I want to cover are:
    1 hr
    2 hr
    3 hr
    4 hr
    5 hr
    6 hr
    7 hr
    8 hr
    9 hr
    10 hr &
    11 hr
    So how do you suggest I set up the code including Default, UpdateonClose etc?

    Timefrane(default,UpdateOnClose) is mispelled. Actually it can be used, but UpdateOnClose is redundant with the DEAFAULT TF, as it can’t be any different, it is ALWAYS executed when a bar closes and cannot be update while that bar is forming. The difference between the two keywords is useful with its multiple TFs, which can be accessed while the bar is forming, UpdateOnClose updates variables when that bar closes, while Default updates variables when the DEFAULT bar closes (i.e. when the higher bar is forming).
    Those two with Timeframe(Daily,UpdateOnClose) are the same, I wrote them just to show that you can use that keyword multiple times in a scattered way, there’s no need for them to be in any order.
    Timeframe(Daily,UpdateOnClose) and Timeframe(Daily,Default) are different, as explained above.




    Is there any way to detect the selected Timeframe, I want to display or not certain indicators according to the selected timeframe.






    There is a function for that added in PRT v11 gettimeframe, returning the  time-frame on seconds.




    vielen Dank für die Beiträge. Die neue Funktion erleichtert die taktische Vorgehensweise in der Systematik unheimlich.

    Wie würden Sie ein MACD(12,26,9)[D1] und MACD(12,26,9)[H4] und MACD(12,26,9)[H1] in einem Indikator codieren?

    Ausgabe ist ein Histogramm! 😉

    Grus Vjper

    Hi there, Thanks for the contributions. The new function makes the tactical approach in the system a lot easier. How would you code a MACD (12,26,9) [D1] and MACD (12,26,9) [H4] and MACD (12,26,9) [H1] in one indicator? Output is a histogram! 😉 Grus Vjper



    Thank you Ginko

    Very useful.




    See examples on how to code with MTF instructions on page 1.


    @Nicolas: Dankeschön



    Having a problem when backtesting with my indicator(s) which have ‘TimeFrame’ code in them.

    When using indicators as stand alone everything works fine with chart plotting what’s expected, but if I try to backtest I get error:-

    “Backtest can’t start because of a parsing error in the code:     line 1, column 0.”

    I’ve investigated the code and narrowed it down to the ‘TimeFrame’ command which ended up on line1 column 0

    Still get error with just basic code if ‘TimeFrame’ used,  which error’ed  on line1 column 0.

    All errors point to a line/column where the ‘timeFrame’ command is


    Can someone verify if you can backtest with indicator’s using the ‘TimeFrame’ command .


    You will not be able to do that. Create indicators for one single timeframe and use TIMEFRAME instructions directly into the ProBacktest code.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Hi everyone,

    How can I display the SMA of a given timeframe ON THE GRAPH of a lower timeframe?
    For instance, I want to display the SMA20 100 ticks on the 50 ticks chart.

    Please see attached a screenshot, I can only get in in a separate  panel.

    Here is the code I used (sorry I could not find how to add it in the specific PRT code window)

    return ind

    Thank you!


    Hi everyone,

    How can I display the SMA of a given timeframe ON THE GRAPH of a lower timeframe?

    For instance, I want to display the SMA20 100 ticks on the 50 ticks chart.

    Please see attached a screenshot, I can only get in in a separate panel.

    Here is the code I used (sorry I could not find how to add it in the specific PRT code window)



    return ind

    Thank you!

    @Nicolas, do you guys know by any chance?



    Add the indicator on the price chart, see how: How to add an Indicator On Price

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Hi Nicolas,


    Thanks a lot for your time!

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 162 total)

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