Dear All,
today i would like to presend an interesting indicator, which I use frequently for Furures (5min.,1min.) gaining good result.
AS alqways, my coding skills are basic..I could not solve last 3x lines for PLOt / DRAWLINE..
DEFPARAM CalculateonLastBars = 500
Length = 200 // Standardlänge
// Gaussian Kernel Berechnung ohne Funktion
currentWeight = 0
cumulativeWeight = 0
FOR i = 0 TO Length – 1 DO
weight = EXP(- (i * i) / (2 * ((Length / 3) * (Length / 3))))
currentWeight = currentWeight + close[i] * weight
cumulativeWeight = cumulativeWeight + weight
Ghat = currentWeight / cumulativeWeight
// Rolling Standard Deviation Berechnung ohne Funktion
sumVal = 0
sumSq = 0
FOR i = 0 TO Length – 1 DO
sumVal = sumVal + close[i]
sumSq = sumSq + (close[i] * close[i])
mean = sumVal / Length
variance = (sumSq / Length) – (mean * mean)
Deviation = SQRT(MAX(variance, 0))
// Berechnungen
Upper = Ghat + Deviation
Lower = Ghat – Deviation
// Plots (Linien)
DRAWHLINE(Upper, RGB(0, 120, 255)) // Zeichnet die Linie für Upper
DRAWHLINE(Lower, RGB(0, 120, 255)) // Zeichnet die Linie für Lower
DRAWHLINE(Ghat, RGB(0, 255, 0)) // Zeichnet die Linie für Ghat
Please, could you support me in solving graphical problems?
Below, please find a screenshot on trading ideas with this indicator.
(5min. channel= blue, yellow / 1min. channel=pink, green) / 1h channel= orange dotted line)
Thank you very much.
Regards to all!