Forums › ProRealTime English forum › ProOrder support › NEW VECTORIALS DAX 5M BASED ON VECTORIAL DAX OF BALMORA74
- This topic has 27 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Paul.
12/22/2019 at 9:34 PM #11538704/27/2020 at 2:40 AM #12830204/27/2020 at 2:08 PM #128429
Hi Paul, I’ve also been working on applying ML to the vectorial DAX, but so far the results are mixed. Are you using ValueX,Y for the angles?
From the attached you can see that %win is slightly better, Gain/loss is better, but the curve is about the same and profit is less. I’d love to see what you’ve done with it.
04/27/2020 at 10:59 PM #12851304/28/2020 at 2:33 PM #128635@Fran55 what?
@nonetheless In your code btw, ML only considers positions from not onmarket to market. It ignores results going long->short and visa versa. If you make that change result go up a bit.
here’s what I used as ML But it’s not what makes the results the way they are. I had to optimise all paramaters below to get anywhere near the result without ML.
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217startingvalue = 24 //5, 100, 10 boxsizeincrement = 3 //5, 20, 10maxincrement = 3 //5, 10 limit of no of increments either up or downreps = 3 //1 number of trades to use for analysis //2maxvalue = 35 //20, 300, 150 //maximum allowed valueminvalue = 20 //5, minimum allowed valuestartingvalue2 = 21 //5, 100, 50 stop lossincrement2 = 3 //5, 10maxincrement2 = 3 //1, 30 limit of no of increments either up/down //4reps2 = 3 //1, 2 nos of trades to use for analysis //3maxvalue2 = 35 //20, 300, 200 maximum allowed valueminvalue2 = 20 //5, minimum allowed valueheuristicscyclelimit = 2once heuristicscycle = 0once heuristicsalgo1 = 1once heuristicsalgo2 = 0if heuristicscycle >= heuristicscyclelimit thenif heuristicsalgo1 = 1 thenheuristicsalgo2 = 1heuristicsalgo1 = 0elsif heuristicsalgo2 = 1 thenheuristicsalgo1 = 1heuristicsalgo2 = 0endifheuristicscycle = 0elseonce valuex = startingvalueonce valuey = startingvalue2endifif heuristicsalgo1 = 1 then//heuristics algorithm 1 startif (onmarket[1] = 1 and onmarket = 0) or (longonmarket[1] = 1 and longonmarket and countoflongshares < countoflongshares[1]) or (longonmarket[1] = 1 and longonmarket and countoflongshares > countoflongshares[1]) or (shortonmarket[1] = 1 and shortonmarket and countofshortshares < countofshortshares[1]) or (shortonmarket[1] = 1 and shortonmarket and countofshortshares > countofshortshares[1]) or (longonmarket[1] and shortonmarket) or (shortonmarket[1] and longonmarket) thenoptimise = optimise + 1endifonce valuex = startingvalueonce pincpos = 1 //positive increment positiononce nincpos = 1 //negative increment positiononce optimise = 0 //initialize heuristicks engine counter (must be incremented at position start or exit)once mode1 = 1 //switches between negative and positive increments//once wincountb = 3 //initialize best win count//graph wincountb coloured (0,0,0) as "wincountb"//once stratavgb = 4353 //initialize best avg strategy profit//graph stratavgb coloured (0,0,0) as "stratavgb"if optimise = reps thenwincounta = 0 //initialize current win countstratavga = 0 //initialize current avg strategy profitheuristicscycle = heuristicscycle + 1for i = 1 to reps doif positionperf(i) > 0 thenwincounta = wincounta + 1 //increment current wincountendifstratavga = stratavga + (((positionperf(i)*countofposition[i]*close)*-1)*-1)nextstratavga = stratavga/reps //calculate current avg strategy profit//graph (positionperf(1)*countofposition[1]*100000)*-1 as "posperf1"//graph (positionperf(2)*countofposition[2]*100000)*-1 as "posperf2"//graph stratavga*-1 as "stratavga"//once besta = 300//graph besta coloured (0,0,0) as "besta"if stratavga >= stratavgb thenstratavgb = stratavga //update best strategy profitbesta = valuexendif//once bestb = 300//graph bestb coloured (0,0,0) as "bestb"if wincounta >= wincountb thenwincountb = wincounta //update best win countbestb = valuexendifif wincounta > wincountb and stratavga > stratavgb thenmode1 = 0elsif wincounta < wincountb and stratavga < stratavgb and mode1 = 1 thenvaluex = valuex - (increment*nincpos)nincpos = nincpos + 1mode1 = 2elsif wincounta >= wincountb or stratavga >= stratavgb and mode1 = 1 thenvaluex = valuex + (increment*pincpos)pincpos = pincpos + 1mode1 = 1elsif wincounta < wincountb and stratavga < stratavgb and mode1 = 2 thenvaluex = valuex + (increment*pincpos)pincpos = pincpos + 1mode1 = 1elsif wincounta >= wincountb or stratavga >= stratavgb and mode1 = 2 thenvaluex = valuex - (increment*nincpos)nincpos = nincpos + 1mode1 = 2endifif nincpos > maxincrement or pincpos > maxincrement thenif besta = bestb thenvaluex = bestaelseif reps >= 10 thenweightedscore = 10elseweightedscore = round((reps/100)*100)endifvaluex = round(((besta*(20-weightedscore)) + (bestb*weightedscore))/20) //lower reps = less weight assigned to win%endifnincpos = 1pincpos = 1elsif valuex > maxvalue thenvaluex = maxvalueelsif valuex < minvalue thenvaluex = minvalueendifoptimise = 0endif// heuristics algorithm 1 endelsif heuristicsalgo2 = 1 then// heuristics algorithm 2 startif (onmarket[1] = 1 and onmarket = 0) or (longonmarket[1] = 1 and longonmarket and countoflongshares < countoflongshares[1]) or (longonmarket[1] = 1 and longonmarket and countoflongshares > countoflongshares[1]) or (shortonmarket[1] = 1 and shortonmarket and countofshortshares < countofshortshares[1]) or (shortonmarket[1] = 1 and shortonmarket and countofshortshares > countofshortshares[1]) or (longonmarket[1] and shortonmarket) or (shortonmarket[1] and longonmarket) thenoptimise2 = optimise2 + 1endifonce valuey = startingvalue2once pincpos2 = 1 //positive increment positiononce nincpos2 = 1 //negative increment positiononce optimise2 = 0 //initialize heuristicks engine counter (must be incremented at position start or exit)once mode2 = 1 //switches between negative and positive increments//once wincountb2 = 3 //initialize best win count//graph wincountb2 coloured (0,0,0) as "wincountb2"//once stratavgb2 = 4353 //initialize best avg strategy profit//graph stratavgb2 coloured (0,0,0) as "stratavgb2"if optimise2 = reps2 thenwincounta2 = 0 //initialize current win countstratavga2 = 0 //initialize current avg strategy profitheuristicscycle = heuristicscycle + 1for i2 = 1 to reps2 doif positionperf(i2) > 0 thenwincounta2 = wincounta2 + 1 //increment current wincountendifstratavga2 = stratavga2 + (((positionperf(i2)*countofposition[i2]*close)*-1)*-1)nextstratavga2 = stratavga2/reps2 //calculate current avg strategy profit//graph (positionperf(1)*countofposition[1]*100000)*-1 as "posperf1-2"//graph (positionperf(2)*countofposition[2]*100000)*-1 as "posperf2-2"//graph stratavga2*-1 as "stratavga2"//once besta2 = 300//graph besta2 coloured (0,0,0) as "besta2"if stratavga2 >= stratavgb2 thenstratavgb2 = stratavga2 //update best strategy profitbesta2 = valueyendif//once bestb2 = 300//graph bestb2 coloured (0,0,0) as "bestb2"if wincounta2 >= wincountb2 thenwincountb2 = wincounta2 //update best win countbestb2 = valueyendifif wincounta2 > wincountb2 and stratavga2 > stratavgb2 thenmode2 = 0elsif wincounta2 < wincountb2 and stratavga2 < stratavgb2 and mode2 = 1 thenvaluey = valuey - (increment2*nincpos2)nincpos2 = nincpos2 + 1mode2 = 2elsif wincounta2 >= wincountb2 or stratavga2 >= stratavgb2 and mode2 = 1 thenvaluey = valuey + (increment2*pincpos2)pincpos2 = pincpos2 + 1mode2 = 1elsif wincounta2 < wincountb2 and stratavga2 < stratavgb2 and mode2 = 2 thenvaluey = valuey + (increment2*pincpos2)pincpos2 = pincpos2 + 1mode2 = 1elsif wincounta2 >= wincountb2 or stratavga2 >= stratavgb2 and mode2 = 2 thenvaluey = valuey - (increment2*nincpos2)nincpos2 = nincpos2 + 1mode2 = 2endifif nincpos2 > maxincrement2 or pincpos2 > maxincrement2 thenif besta2 = bestb2 thenvaluey = besta2elseif reps2 >= 10 thenweightedscore2 = 10elseweightedscore2 = round((reps2/100)*100)endifvaluey = round(((besta2*(20-weightedscore2)) + (bestb2*weightedscore2))/20) //lower reps = less weight assigned to win%endifnincpos2 = 1pincpos2 = 1elsif valuey > maxvalue2 thenvaluey = maxvalue2elsif valuey < minvalue2 thenvaluey = minvalue2endifoptimise2 = 0endif// heuristics algorithm 2 endendif//angle1 = valuexangle2 = valuey1 user thanked author for this post.
04/28/2020 at 6:36 PM #128714It ignores results going long->short and visa versa.
You can get the ML to include long direct to short and vice versa … but you know that?
Juanj provided some extra code to allow for above … its over on the ML Topic.
I will find it if you need it Nonetheless?
04/28/2020 at 6:48 PM #128715Thanks @GraHal, I’ve got it now. So hard to keep up with all the mods and variations!
Unfortunately even with that change it only just gets up to speed with the non-ML version … but no improvement. 🤔
05/02/2020 at 4:28 PM #12944505/21/2020 at 6:42 AM #132509Paul, I just tried your new code which seems to pass with a nice linearity the hectic period 2020. However when I copy your code in PRT, I have an error message on the following variables which would not be used .. ?? please correct if you could, I’m just a beginner in coding. Thank you Paul
angle1 = valuex
angle2 = valuey05/21/2020 at 11:15 AM #132560123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217Hello, jr see that you propose to add a piece of code from Juan in this code proposed by Paul. If you were kind enough to add to Paul’s code. Thank you
N Astartingvalue = 24 //5, 100, 10 boxsizeincrement = 3 //5, 20, 10maxincrement = 3 //5, 10 limit of no of increments either up or downreps = 3 //1 number of trades to use for analysis //2maxvalue = 35 //20, 300, 150 //maximum allowed valueminvalue = 20 //5, minimum allowed valuestartingvalue2 = 21 //5, 100, 50 stop lossincrement2 = 3 //5, 10maxincrement2 = 3 //1, 30 limit of no of increments either up/down //4reps2 = 3 //1, 2 nos of trades to use for analysis //3maxvalue2 = 35 //20, 300, 200 maximum allowed valueminvalue2 = 20 //5, minimum allowed valueheuristicscyclelimit = 2once heuristicscycle = 0once heuristicsalgo1 = 1once heuristicsalgo2 = 0if heuristicscycle >= heuristicscyclelimit thenif heuristicsalgo1 = 1 thenheuristicsalgo2 = 1heuristicsalgo1 = 0elsif heuristicsalgo2 = 1 thenheuristicsalgo1 = 1heuristicsalgo2 = 0endifheuristicscycle = 0elseonce valuex = startingvalueonce valuey = startingvalue2endifif heuristicsalgo1 = 1 then//heuristics algorithm 1 startif (onmarket[1] = 1 and onmarket = 0) or (longonmarket[1] = 1 and longonmarket and countoflongshares < countoflongshares[1]) or (longonmarket[1] = 1 and longonmarket and countoflongshares > countoflongshares[1]) or (shortonmarket[1] = 1 and shortonmarket and countofshortshares < countofshortshares[1]) or (shortonmarket[1] = 1 and shortonmarket and countofshortshares > countofshortshares[1]) or (longonmarket[1] and shortonmarket) or (shortonmarket[1] and longonmarket) thenoptimise = optimise + 1endifonce valuex = startingvalueonce pincpos = 1 //positive increment positiononce nincpos = 1 //negative increment positiononce optimise = 0 //initialize heuristicks engine counter (must be incremented at position start or exit)once mode1 = 1 //switches between negative and positive increments//once wincountb = 3 //initialize best win count//graph wincountb coloured (0,0,0) as “wincountb”//once stratavgb = 4353 //initialize best avg strategy profit//graph stratavgb coloured (0,0,0) as “stratavgb”if optimise = reps thenwincounta = 0 //initialize current win countstratavga = 0 //initialize current avg strategy profitheuristicscycle = heuristicscycle + 1for i = 1 to reps doif positionperf(i) > 0 thenwincounta = wincounta + 1 //increment current wincountendifstratavga = stratavga + (((positionperf(i)*countofposition[i]*close)*–1)*–1)nextstratavga = stratavga/reps //calculate current avg strategy profit//graph (positionperf(1)*countofposition[1]*100000)*-1 as “posperf1”//graph (positionperf(2)*countofposition[2]*100000)*-1 as “posperf2”//graph stratavga*-1 as “stratavga”//once besta = 300//graph besta coloured (0,0,0) as “besta”if stratavga >= stratavgb thenstratavgb = stratavga //update best strategy profitbesta = valuexendif//once bestb = 300//graph bestb coloured (0,0,0) as “bestb”if wincounta >= wincountb thenwincountb = wincounta //update best win countbestb = valuexendifif wincounta > wincountb and stratavga > stratavgb thenmode1 = 0elsif wincounta < wincountb and stratavga < stratavgb and mode1 = 1 thenvaluex = valuex – (increment*nincpos)nincpos = nincpos + 1mode1 = 2elsif wincounta >= wincountb or stratavga >= stratavgb and mode1 = 1 thenvaluex = valuex + (increment*pincpos)pincpos = pincpos + 1mode1 = 1elsif wincounta < wincountb and stratavga < stratavgb and mode1 = 2 thenvaluex = valuex + (increment*pincpos)pincpos = pincpos + 1mode1 = 1elsif wincounta >= wincountb or stratavga >= stratavgb and mode1 = 2 thenvaluex = valuex – (increment*nincpos)nincpos = nincpos + 1mode1 = 2endifif nincpos > maxincrement or pincpos > maxincrement thenif besta = bestb thenvaluex = bestaelseif reps >= 10 thenweightedscore = 10elseweightedscore = round((reps/100)*100)endifvaluex = round(((besta*(20–weightedscore)) + (bestb*weightedscore))/20) //lower reps = less weight assigned to win%endifnincpos = 1pincpos = 1elsif valuex > maxvalue thenvaluex = maxvalueelsif valuex < minvalue thenvaluex = minvalueendifoptimise = 0endif// heuristics algorithm 1 endelsif heuristicsalgo2 = 1 then// heuristics algorithm 2 startif (onmarket[1] = 1 and onmarket = 0) or (longonmarket[1] = 1 and longonmarket and countoflongshares < countoflongshares[1]) or (longonmarket[1] = 1 and longonmarket and countoflongshares > countoflongshares[1]) or (shortonmarket[1] = 1 and shortonmarket and countofshortshares < countofshortshares[1]) or (shortonmarket[1] = 1 and shortonmarket and countofshortshares > countofshortshares[1]) or (longonmarket[1] and shortonmarket) or (shortonmarket[1] and longonmarket) thenoptimise2 = optimise2 + 1endifonce valuey = startingvalue2once pincpos2 = 1 //positive increment positiononce nincpos2 = 1 //negative increment positiononce optimise2 = 0 //initialize heuristicks engine counter (must be incremented at position start or exit)once mode2 = 1 //switches between negative and positive increments//once wincountb2 = 3 //initialize best win count//graph wincountb2 coloured (0,0,0) as “wincountb2”//once stratavgb2 = 4353 //initialize best avg strategy profit//graph stratavgb2 coloured (0,0,0) as “stratavgb2”if optimise2 = reps2 thenwincounta2 = 0 //initialize current win countstratavga2 = 0 //initialize current avg strategy profitheuristicscycle = heuristicscycle + 1for i2 = 1 to reps2 doif positionperf(i2) > 0 thenwincounta2 = wincounta2 + 1 //increment current wincountendifstratavga2 = stratavga2 + (((positionperf(i2)*countofposition[i2]*close)*–1)*–1)nextstratavga2 = stratavga2/reps2 //calculate current avg strategy profit//graph (positionperf(1)*countofposition[1]*100000)*-1 as “posperf1-2”//graph (positionperf(2)*countofposition[2]*100000)*-1 as “posperf2-2”//graph stratavga2*-1 as “stratavga2”//once besta2 = 300//graph besta2 coloured (0,0,0) as “besta2”if stratavga2 >= stratavgb2 thenstratavgb2 = stratavga2 //update best strategy profitbesta2 = valueyendif//once bestb2 = 300//graph bestb2 coloured (0,0,0) as “bestb2”if wincounta2 >= wincountb2 thenwincountb2 = wincounta2 //update best win countbestb2 = valueyendifif wincounta2 > wincountb2 and stratavga2 > stratavgb2 thenmode2 = 0elsif wincounta2 < wincountb2 and stratavga2 < stratavgb2 and mode2 = 1 thenvaluey = valuey – (increment2*nincpos2)nincpos2 = nincpos2 + 1mode2 = 2elsif wincounta2 >= wincountb2 or stratavga2 >= stratavgb2 and mode2 = 1 thenvaluey = valuey + (increment2*pincpos2)pincpos2 = pincpos2 + 1mode2 = 1elsif wincounta2 < wincountb2 and stratavga2 < stratavgb2 and mode2 = 2 thenvaluey = valuey + (increment2*pincpos2)pincpos2 = pincpos2 + 1mode2 = 1elsif wincounta2 >= wincountb2 or stratavga2 >= stratavgb2 and mode2 = 2 thenvaluey = valuey – (increment2*nincpos2)nincpos2 = nincpos2 + 1mode2 = 2endifif nincpos2 > maxincrement2 or pincpos2 > maxincrement2 thenif besta2 = bestb2 thenvaluey = besta2elseif reps2 >= 10 thenweightedscore2 = 10elseweightedscore2 = round((reps2/100)*100)endifvaluey = round(((besta2*(20–weightedscore2)) + (bestb2*weightedscore2))/20) //lower reps = less weight assigned to win%endifnincpos2 = 1pincpos2 = 1elsif valuey > maxvalue2 thenvaluey = maxvalue2elsif valuey < minvalue2 thenvaluey = minvalue2endifoptimise2 = 0endif// heuristics algorithm 2 endendif//angle1 = valuexangle2 = valuey05/21/2020 at 2:02 PM #13258805/21/2020 at 2:05 PM #13259605/21/2020 at 2:15 PM #132598 -
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