No or incorrect display of drawdown in V12
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- This topic has 134 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by
06/10/2024 at 6:29 PM #233706
Well, somethings happened. There was a meltdown on the IG demo accounts last week and it was offline Saturday morning. Unfortunately whatever has happened is not in the right direction. The double counting issue is still very apparent. And now my Detailed Reports (Dash Board tab) are consistently showing Risk Reward and Standard Deviation as “No Data”. In this instance, regenerating the Detailed Report does not correct it. Anyone else getting the same?
This thread, raising these ongoing Detailed Reports issues, is now well over 3 months old. Multiple support tickets have been raised. Lots … and lots of screenshots and detailed information has been provided by ourselves – all of which has been responded to by IG support in an extraorinarily superficial and dismissive manner with no meaningful responses or updates. To me, it is thoroughly disheartening.
06/10/2024 at 11:24 PM #23371406/12/2024 at 6:29 PM #233812This evening’s problem. Still with the detailed reports. I’m running backtests on one system and consistently getting two different sets of results …. different in every respect, but always the same two sets of results. I had a similar problem a few months back but that time it was dependent on the date/time the backtest was run from. This time it is not. It seems that if I run the backtest with the Equity Curve graph from a previous run still showing, it often delivers a second set of results. However, if I close the chart first, it delivers the first set. So which set is right? I think probably the first, but how can I be sure? What does one do? Spend a lot of time compiling and submitting a new support request, only for it to be treated in the same way – i.e. largely ignored? Or carry on backtesting without knowing whether the results can be trusted, postentially wasting tons of valuable time and preparing a sub-optimal system?
If you submit a formal complaint to IG, in the first instance, it goes to the same people that handle the general support requests. Last time I did it got me no-where.
Has anyone else experienced this same problem, or any other new problems with the detailed report? This would be useful to know? I’m going to try calling them again but the more info I have in advance, from other users, the better.
06/12/2024 at 7:24 PM #233813I still have the same problem that the trades are counted twice. It shows twice the profit, twice the number of trades and twice the time in the market. Funnily enough, the drawdown is correct. Eike, it’s a farce and the whole thing is embarrassing… for how many months?
06/13/2024 at 1:13 AM #233815Not that it is important, but what I don’t understand is that you (both) don’t use my solution plus that you don’t even respond to it.
Maybe nag-nag-nag is not the way to go ? or maybe it is. Or … maybe my solution does not work for you. In that case, … why not ?If you submit a formal complaint to IG, in the first instance, it goes to the same people that handle the general support requests. Last time I did it got me no-where.
Are you even CALLING them ? I seriously can’t imagine that if you call them (020- …) that you won’t be helped. Just my own experience. As a matter of fact, they take so much time for you that it almost is embarrassing because other people may be calling as well and are in the queue.
On the other hand … 🙂 🙂 🙂 … No, almost nothing gets solved at PRT’s. That’s no news. So there is one way only – work your way around it. Don’t be annoyed.
06/13/2024 at 1:42 AM #233816I’m lost @PeterSt.
Can you please provide a brief dot point summary on how to overcome this? I think you’re using Premium but please also indicate if you have been able to workaround it on Complete.
Apologies but I couldn’t dig it out.
06/13/2024 at 1:47 AM #233818Batty, I don’t understand what your problem is now. the solution. Just do what I advise to do in there.
Then it works fine.
that. 🙂
But if not, let us know.
06/13/2024 at 10:09 AM #233832All we need to do to NOT get the problems stated above is to not have the box ticked to auto-open the Detailed Report after a backtest.
We can then open the Detailed Report by hovering (or is it clicking?) on the Algo title on the equity curve and select Detailed Report.
06/20/2024 at 8:59 AM #234128@GraHal, could you help me out here? I can’t actually find a tick-box endabling / disabling auto-open the Detailed Report. I emailed IG Chart support and they replied “That is unfortunately not possible, as the Detailed report is based on the outcome of the backtest. ” – which doesn’t make sense if you and some other users are not getting the Detailed Reports opening automatically …
06/20/2024 at 9:50 AM #234134Not sure if this is what you mean…
When you run a back test, an equity curve and position indicator are displayed at the top of the chart. Left click on the the equity curve label and from the dropdown menu choose ‘Configure’.
This brings up the settings window. Under ‘Additional Panels’ enable ‘Detail Report’.
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06/20/2024 at 10:14 AM #23413606/20/2024 at 12:06 PM #234141Thanks Guys, I have done as Druby detailed but cannot get it to work as a default setting. All my accounts have the Detailed Reports opening automatically as their default. They have always done this. If I run a backtest, go to the Additional Panels section and uncheck Detailed Report, the DR that had opened automatically closes. If I then check the box, it reopens. But it seems to relate to the individual system backtest, not all backtests (see screenshot). So if I uncheck it and the DR is closed, then I run another backtest, a DR will automatically open for the new backtest.
I tried saving a Chart Template with the Detailed Report box unchecked. Then I closed the whole of the chart window and opened it from the new template. The new template runs the backtest I had previously opened as they are stored in the template settings. And when they have run, there is no DR – good so far. But if I run another new backtest, either a differrent system or by closing the two that had opened with the chart template, the DR report once again runs automatically. I then go to the Additional Panel settings and the box is now checked, whereas I saved it as unchecked.
Am I doing something wrong in trying to make this setting stick as a universal setting?
06/21/2024 at 10:27 AM #234174I think the default setting for Detaild Report is on / enabled.
So we need to to disable for each Algo and then Default Report remains disabled for that particular Algo.
I’ll try and remember to observe when I backtest a ‘new Algo’ to see if Detailed Report opens automatically. I’ll report back on here.
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06/21/2024 at 12:19 PM #234189Thanks GraHal. It’s still not working for me. Specifically, the Detailed Report remaining disabled for that particular Algo. If I uncheck Detailed Report for a particular algo, then save everything, then close the algo and then rerun the backtest on that same algo, the Detailed Report opens automatically. I tried again saving the unchecked version as a Chart Template, then opening that chart template and running the algo, but that doesn’t solve it either. I also tried it with the Position Indicator as this also has a check-box option under Additional Panels – the same thing happens i.e. the check box is re-enabled each time I close the algo and then run it again.
I have two completely separate accounts, one business and one personal. It is the same in both accounts and in both demo and live. I’m pretty sure I am running the same version as you – V12 17.07 dated 5th June, via IG.
Very puzzling! It would be useful to know as you mention, that when you next backtest a ‘new Algo’, to see if Detailed Report opens automatically and, if it does, can be disabled permanently?
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12/05/2024 at 3:40 PM #241154A bit late to the game but…IMO
It seems that the Detailed Report and Positions Indicator options, in the system Configure screen, only relates to the current operational status of whether their displayed or not.
By default these are displayed when first back-test of a system, and its only then, when there’s access to the system Configure screen, with option to change status.
Changing the settings status of these directly, or by closing the items, determines how they are displayed going forward.
Further back-test runs doesn’t change their status.
If changes of setting are un-saved, then the settings will revert to the previous save status when re-opening workspace.
When saved, neither changing from different Workspaces or re-starting the platform, will change the saved status while system resides in its chart.
Removing the system from a chart or adding a new one, restarts the process again from default for that system.
There could be other ways the change the status than mentioned above, but I have not found away to make un-checked, default at first back-test of a system.
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