Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support ONMARKET EFFECT ON OTHER CODES

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by avatarPaul.
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  • #111862

    The indicator ONMARKET, is it for the strategy (PRT code) where it is used? Is it for the financial instrument (DAX30, CAC40, ..)? or for all PRT codes in my account?
    Let me explain:
    – stragey A trades DAX30 and is currently ON MARKET
    – strategy B also trades DAX30. I have a condition (IF NOT ONMARKET AND OTHERS CONDITIONS THEN BUY 1 CONTRACT ENDIF). Can Stragerie B buy the contract with A ONMARKET?
    – stragery C trades CAC40. I have a condition (IF NOT ONMARKET AND OTHERS CONDITIONS THEN BUY 1 CONTRACT ENDIF). Can strategy C buy the contract with A ONMARKET?
    Thank you


    All strategies are run regardless of other strategies and they cannot communicate among them.

    ONMARKET only applies to the strategy where it is used.



    Thank you.

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