Open positions exit at 'Close'

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Open positions exit at 'Close'

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  • #41146

    Hi, how can I make open positions: SellShort & Buy …instead to exit at Set Stop or Set Target, but exit at close?


    Because the code is only read at Close, you only have to liquidate your positions with the exit instructions for each of the order type, if you detect you are on market:

    Of course you can complete this little code snippet with other conditions with indicators, profit of the order, time schedules, etc..


    Here is example: Sell At Market is not executed on crosshair of 18th July candle – Entry at 08:00, 12,534

    Sell at Market after the Buy is not executed at “08:00 Close”

    No Stop, No Trail, No target – to skew exit away from Close.


    Should be SellShort form 12,534 to 12,514 ??


    Should be SellShort from 12,534 to 12,514 ??



    Should be SellShort from 12,534 to 12,514 ??


    I don’t understand what you are trying to do in your strategy: at line 11 you SELLSHORT and you directly close this position at line 12 with EXITSHORT? is this intentional? Because in this case, you will open and close instantly an order and only pay the spread to your broker.

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