Pathfinder swing TS
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- This topic has 2,004 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by
06/07/2017 at 9:31 AM #37717
That is quick. They moved to “spot Platinum mini”. This one has no expiration date…….The code is XPTUSD in PRT. The problem for us is that there is no history in PRT. The first trade
was March 7th. So, not possible to make some BT out of it until we have a couple of years data available. The did not gave an answer on the future question.
I give you the complete Dutch answer from IG. If you copy/paste it in Google translate it should be understandable i think.
De reden dat platina op closings only staat is omdat we zijn overgestapt naar ‘spot platinum’. Dit is een spot contract en dus zonder expiratiedatum, overnight rente aanpassingen worden gemaakt om de positie open te laten. Momenteel is de overnightrente een kost van 0.04 per punt bij shorts en een kost van 0.1 per punt bij long posities.Bij spot platinum heeft u de keuze uit een 10$ mini en 100$ standaard contract. Let er op dat bij het vroegere 1€ contract de minimum trade 10 contracten was, waardoor u ook op een grootte van minimaal 10€ per punt uitkwam.De koers van spot platinum komt tot stand net als spot goud en zilver, we krijgen een constante stroom van koop- en verkoopkoersen van een groep (zaken-)banken. We nemen vervolgens de beste koop- en verkoopprijs van deze groep banken en wikkelen hier onze spread omheen.06/07/2017 at 9:43 AM #3771906/07/2017 at 9:56 AM #37724Yes is possible. I also checked if the chart in IG gave more information, but it looks simulair to PRT. That is the problem with a derivative.
They create it themselves. If it is a real index or something there should be more than enough data, but there isn’t.
I think we can stick to the future if they keep offering it. We can use the future for 2 months. Only not the last 3 or 4 weeks because this is a bit tricky.
Because when it takes position in the second week of the expiring month it probably could not settled right. Some positions will hold for more than
15 days and than you have the rollover issue. So i think for example the october future can be used until August 31st. because it expires 23rd. of september.
06/07/2017 at 9:57 AM #37725Going to try run a few of these, just found this thread 🙂 But I wonder, could it be a conflict if I run normal pathfinder at the same time? For example if I have the pathfinder for dow running at the same time as dow Jun2. Maybe best to pause it?
06/07/2017 at 10:00 AM #37726Patrick, yes I agree. I will run the future for the time being, though not for June2 since it expires on the 23rd.
Welcome Oscar!
I am running Pathfinders 4h and daily simultaneously without problems.
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06/07/2017 at 10:03 AM #37727Hi Oskar.
No issues with that before. In the past i had open positions in daily and 4H Pathfinders at the same time.
It is even possible to do own trades besides it when you check “forced open” in the order. Sometimes you see longs and shorts of the
same indices/commodities in your porto at the same time.
Bear in mind to keep enough money available when you have a lot positions running and they run against you….
Good look.
06/07/2017 at 11:15 AM #37737I’ve added a couple of sectors in the forumpost Matriciel started.
Most of these sectors have a huge DD but these are acceptable.
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06/07/2017 at 1:51 PM #37749wp01: Ok 🙂 it’s demo account so I might use to much but when/if I go live I’ll start with much less.
06/08/2017 at 3:59 PM #3783406/08/2017 at 4:01 PM #3783906/10/2017 at 7:31 AM #37928Trying to learn to optimize so I can help. Tried with USA500. To much DD because of two bad trades, not sure how to fix that.
06/10/2017 at 7:58 AM #37931Morning Oskar,
At first you have to take the US 500 cash 1EUR contract instead of the 50$ minicontract.
Than the DD looks nicer. Bear in mind that the minimum contractsize is 5. Don’t know if it is suitable for June2 because it is “red” on the roadmap for that
06/10/2017 at 8:22 AM #37936Morning Oskar, At first you have to take the US 500 cash 1EUR contract instead of the 50$ minicontract. Than the DD looks nicer. Bear in mind that the minimum contractsize is 5. Don’t know if it is suitable for June2 because it is “red” on the roadmap for that period. Patrick
The problem is USA500 Cash and USA500 Cash (50$ mini) are the only available from this country. Of course I can backtest in PRT with 1EUR, but I could never trade with it live.
I didn’t know about the roadmap, could you link it? Good to know what’s worth to optimize 🙂
06/10/2017 at 8:25 AM #37938Never mind the last question. Roadmap was in the first post (duh) 🙂
06/10/2017 at 8:29 AM #37942 -