Pathfinder Trading System
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- This topic has 1,834 replies, 139 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by
CFD AutoTrading.
Tagged: Pathfinder
10/31/2016 at 6:06 PM #1578810/31/2016 at 6:38 PM #1578910/31/2016 at 8:03 PM #15794
In the version V4 where Miguel suggested “avoid reopen of intraday positions in same direction” the position closed normal this morning at 09.00 O’clock.
Part of the changes made at that time:
12345678IF NOT SHORTONMARKET AND ( (s1 AND f3) OR (s2 AND f1) ) AND not reduceShortInTradingWindow THEN // no cumulation for short trades #MiguelIF ( l1 OR l4 OR l2 OR (l3 AND f2) )AND not reduceLongIntradingWindow THEN // cumulate orders for long trades #Miguel// save position before trading window is open #MiguelIf Time < startTime thenstartPositionLong = COUNTOFLONGSHARESstartPositionShort = COUNTOFSHORTSHARESCould this be part of the reason why the position didn’t close in the latest version?
11/01/2016 at 8:29 AM #1580011/01/2016 at 8:48 AM #15803The same happened to me and I use a modified Version3 Programm.
Maybe it happend due to the “Zeitumstellung”, because on Saturday the time changed from Summertime to Wintertime. But in the Backtest everthing worked fine.
I wrote the technical support. You can reach it by “strg+M” or under “help” in the ProRealtime Program.
11/01/2016 at 9:06 AM #15804for your information:
I also had live the OMX mini with the same issue. A stop on the bar yesterday at 09.00 but the position didn’t close yesterday. But the position did close today at 09.00 with a day delay.
Maybe it has indead something to do with what flowsen123 already said about the summer and wintertime.
11/01/2016 at 9:13 AM #1580511/01/2016 at 9:17 AM #1580611/01/2016 at 9:30 AM #1580711/01/2016 at 11:32 AM #1581011/01/2016 at 1:44 PM #15817Hi guys,
the calculation of the maximum holding period for short trades in V5B2 is faulthy. Reason is the changed calculation of position profit. I thought that the following used code in V4 is wrong for short trades:
1posProfit = (((close - positionprice) * pointvalue) * countofposition) / pipsizebut this assumption wasn’t correct because countofposition for short trades is of course negativ and therefore the V4 formular is right and the V5 formular is wrong. Here is correct code for the calculation of the maximum holding period:
1234567891011121314// stop and profit managementposProfit = (((close - positionprice) * pointvalue) * countofposition) / pipsizem1 = posProfit > 0 AND (BarIndex - TradeIndex) >= maxCandlesLongWithProfitm2 = posProfit > 0 AND (BarIndex - TradeIndex) >= maxCandlesShortWithProfitm3 = posProfit < 0 AND (BarIndex - TradeIndex) >= maxCandlesLongWithoutProfitm4 = posProfit < 0 AND (BarIndex - TradeIndex) >= maxCandlesShortWithoutProfitIF LONGONMARKET AND (m1 OR m3) THENSELL AT MARKETENDIFIF SHORTONMARKET AND (m2 OR m4) THENEXITSHORT AT MARKETENDIFSorry, for the confusion, Reiner
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11/01/2016 at 7:01 PM #15833Hallo Reiner,
als Fan deiner Pathfinder Reihe muss ich dir jetzt doch mal schreiben. Ich hoffe, dass ich den Link für das Verständnis anhängen kann.
Was ist passiert? (und nicht das erste Mal). Der Dax Pathfinder V4 ist gestern um 09:00 Uhr aus dem Short @ 10653 mit ca. 45.00€ Gewinn ausgestiegen. ABER im Live Trading ist das leider nicht passiert. Wie kann das sein ? Ist das ein Problem von PRT oder IG?? Hattest du das auch schon ein mal?
11/01/2016 at 7:07 PM #15835Ich glaube man kann die Screenshots im Internet anschauen.
Letzte Woche ist mir das gleiche beim FTSE passiert. Laut Backtest war der 4h FTSE nicht mehr short, aber in Wirklichkeit hat er mir 142 £ gebracht. Ein liebes Dankeschön an dieser Stelle. Die Frage ist nun, bin ich der Einzige der dieses Problem hat? Ist der Backtest in der der PRT Version 10.2 nur ein Fake?? Oder hat es damit zu tun, dass ich in der Schweiz mit IG verbunden bin?? Die Daten, sollten ja die gleichen sein.
11/02/2016 at 8:03 AM #1584911/02/2016 at 10:30 AM #15853Hey Reiner,
thank you for looking into it. Maybe the code you changed is part of the problem, but I am running a program based on the version 3 which still has the “old” code for the max. number of candles and I had the same problem. And I think it is odd, that the backtest is showing the right results, but the live mode acted differently. Maybe the program is too complex for prorealtime and it needs more time calculate the positions 😉
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