Pine Script to MQL4

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  • #205990

    // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
    // © LonesomeTheBlue

    study(“Volume Profile / Fixed Range”, overlay = true, max_boxes_count = 200, max_bars_back = 501)
    bbars = input(title=”Number of Bars”, defval = 150, minval = 1, maxval = 500)
    cnum = input(title=”Row Size”, defval = 24, minval = 5, maxval = 100)
    percent = input(70., title=”Value Area Volume %”, minval = 0, maxval = 100)
    poc_color = input(defval = #ff0000, title = “POC Color”, inline = “poc”)
    poc_width = input(defval = 2, title = “Width”, minval = 1, maxval = 5, inline = “poc”)
    vup_color = input(defval =, 30), title = “Value Area Up”)
    vdown_color = input(defval =, 30), title = “Value Area Down”)
    up_color = input(defval =, 75), title = “UP Volume”)
    down_color = input(defval =, 75), title = “Down Volume”)

    top = highest(bbars)
    bot = lowest(bbars)
    dist = (top – bot) / 500
    step = (top – bot) / cnum

    // calculate/keep channel levels
    levels = array.new_float(cnum + 1)
    for x = 0 to cnum
    array.set(levels, x, bot + step * x)

    // get the volume if there is intersection
    get_vol(y11, y12, y21, y22, height, vol)=> nz(max(min(max(y11, y12), max(y21, y22)) – max(min(y11, y12), min(y21, y22)), 0) * vol / height)

    if barstate.islast
    // calculate/get volume for each channel and candle
    volumes = array.new_float(cnum * 2, 0.)
    for bars = 0 to bbars – 1
    body_top = max(close[bars], open[bars])
    body_bot = min(close[bars], open[bars])
    itsgreen = close[bars] >= open[bars]

    topwick = high[bars] – body_top
    bottomwick = body_bot – low[bars]
    body = body_top – body_bot

    bodyvol = body * volume[bars] / (2 * topwick + 2 * bottomwick + body)
    topwickvol = 2 * topwick * volume[bars] / (2 * topwick + 2 * bottomwick + body)
    bottomwickvol = 2 * bottomwick * volume[bars] / (2 * topwick + 2 * bottomwick + body)
    for x = 0 to cnum – 1
    array.set(volumes, x, array.get(volumes, x) +
    (itsgreen ? get_vol(array.get(levels, x), array.get(levels, x + 1), body_bot, body_top, body, bodyvol) : 0) +
    get_vol(array.get(levels, x), array.get(levels, x + 1), body_top, high[bars], topwick, topwickvol) / 2 +
    get_vol(array.get(levels, x), array.get(levels, x + 1), body_bot, low[bars], bottomwick, bottomwickvol) / 2)
    array.set(volumes, x + cnum, array.get(volumes, x + cnum) +
    (itsgreen ? 0 : get_vol(array.get(levels, x), array.get(levels, x + 1), body_bot, body_top, body, bodyvol)) +
    get_vol(array.get(levels, x), array.get(levels, x + 1), body_top, high[bars], topwick, topwickvol) / 2 +
    get_vol(array.get(levels, x), array.get(levels, x + 1), body_bot, low[bars], bottomwick, bottomwickvol) / 2)

    totalvols = array.new_float(cnum, 0.)
    for x = 0 to cnum – 1
    array.set(totalvols, x, array.get(volumes, x) + array.get(volumes, x + cnum))

    int poc = array.indexof(totalvols, array.max(totalvols))

    // calculate value area
    totalmax = array.sum(totalvols) * percent / 100.
    va_total = array.get(totalvols, poc)
    int up = poc
    int down = poc
    for x = 0 to cnum – 1
    if va_total >= totalmax
    uppervol = up < cnum – 1 ? array.get(totalvols, up + 1) : 0.
    lowervol = down > 0 ? array.get(totalvols, down – 1) : 0.
    if uppervol == 0 and lowervol == 0
    if uppervol >= lowervol
    va_total += uppervol
    up += 1
    va_total += lowervol
    down -= 1

    maxvol = array.max(totalvols)
    for x = 0 to cnum * 2 – 1
    array.set(volumes, x, array.get(volumes, x) * bbars / (3 * maxvol))

    // Draw VP rows
    var vol_bars = array.new_box(cnum * 2, na)
    for x = 0 to cnum – 1
    box.delete(array.get(vol_bars, x))
    box.delete(array.get(vol_bars, x + cnum))
    array.set(vol_bars, x, – bbars + 1, array.get(levels, x + 1) – dist,
    bar_index – bbars + 1 + round(array.get(volumes, x)), array.get(levels, x) + dist,
    border_width = 0,
    bgcolor = x >= down and x <= up ? vup_color : up_color))
    array.set(vol_bars, x + cnum, – bbars + 1 + round(array.get(volumes, x)), array.get(levels, x + 1) – dist,
    bar_index – bbars + 1 + round(array.get(volumes, x)) + round(array.get(volumes, x + cnum)), array.get(levels, x) + dist,
    border_width = 0,
    bgcolor = x >= down and x <= up ? vdown_color : down_color))

    // Draw POC line
    var line poc_line = na
    poc_line := – bbars + 1, (array.get(levels, poc) + array.get(levels, poc + 1)) / 2,
    bar_index – bbars + 2, (array.get(levels, poc) + array.get(levels, poc + 1)) / 2,
    extend = extend.right,
    color = poc_color,
    width = poc_width)


    Free conversions are available for the ProRealTime platform only.

    For paid services use



    Hello, please, thank you.

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