Please Convert Swing Breakout Sequence to PRORTime

Forums ProRealTime forum Français Support ProBuilder Please Convert Swing Breakout Sequence to PRORTime

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  • #244403

    // This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
    // © LuxAlgo

    indicator(‘Swing Breakout Sequence [LuxAlgo]’, ‘LuxAlgo – Swing Breakout Sequence’, overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500, max_polylines_count = 100, max_boxes_count = 500)

    HIGH = 1
    LOW = 0

    GREEN = #089981
    RED = #F23645
    GRAY = color.gray


    pivotLengthTooltip = ‘Number of candles to confirm a swing high or swing low. A higher number detects larger swings.’
    internalLengthTooltip = ‘Number of candles to confirm a internal high or internal low. A lower number detects smaller swings. It must be the same size or smaller than the swing length.’
    point4Beyond2Tooltip = ‘It only detects sequences where Point 4 is beyond Point 2.’
    detectPoint5Tooltip = ‘Enable/disable Point 5 detection.’
    strictThresholdTooltip = ‘Enable/Disable double top/bottom detection at Point 5 within a given threshold. A bigger value detects more sequences.’
    showPathTooltip = ‘Enable/disable a line between sequence points.’
    bearishBoxColorTooltip = ‘Enable/disable colored boxes for each sequence.’
    showLinesTooltip = ‘Enable/disable horizontal lines from each point of the sequence.’
    autoColorTooltip = ‘Define the color or enable/disable auto color.’

    pivotLengthInput = 5, ‘Swing Length’, group = ”, tooltip = pivotLengthTooltip, minval = 2)
    internalLengthInput = 2, ‘Internal Length’, group = ”, tooltip = internalLengthTooltip, minval = 2)
    point4Beyond2Input = input.bool( false, ‘Point 4 Beyond Point 2’, group = DOUBLE_GROUP, tooltip = point4Beyond2Tooltip)
    detectPoint5Input = input.bool( true, ‘Show Point 5’, group = DOUBLE_GROUP, tooltip = detectPoint5Tooltip)
    strictModeInput = input.bool( true, ‘Require Equal H/L at Point 5’, group = DOUBLE_GROUP, tooltip = ”, inline = ‘strict’)
    strictThresholdInput = input.float( 0.50, ”, group = DOUBLE_GROUP, tooltip = strictThresholdTooltip, inline = ‘strict’, step = 0.05) * ta.atr(200)
    showPathInput = input.bool( false, ‘Show Sequence Path’, group = STYLE_GROUP, tooltip = showPathTooltip)
    showBoxInput = input.bool( true, ‘Show Boxes’, group = STYLE_GROUP, tooltip = ”, inline = ‘box’)
    bullishBoxColorInput = input.color( BULLISH_BOX_COLOR, ”, group = STYLE_GROUP, tooltip = ”, inline = ‘box’)
    bearishBoxColorInput = input.color( BEARISH_BOX_COLOR, ”, group = STYLE_GROUP, tooltip = bearishBoxColorTooltip, inline = ‘box’)
    showLinesInput = input.bool( true, ‘Show Lines’, group = STYLE_GROUP, tooltip = showLinesTooltip)
    defaultColorInput = input.color( GRAY, ‘Default Color’, group = STYLE_GROUP, tooltip = ”, inline = ‘color’)
    autoColorInput = input.bool( true, ‘Auto’, group = STYLE_GROUP, tooltip = autoColorTooltip, inline = ‘color’)

    // @type Storage UDT for pivot points
    // @field barTime Time index of the privot point
    // @field barIndex Bar index of the privot point
    // @field priceLevel Price level of the pivot point
    // @field leg Bullish or bearish bias (1 or 0)
    type swingPoint
    int barTime
    int barIndex
    float priceLevel
    int swing

    // @type Storage UDT for sequences
    // @field points storage array for chart.point
    type sbs
    array<chart.point> points

    // @variable storage array for sbs UDTs
    var array<sbs> sequences =<sbs>()
    // @variable storage array for swingPoint UDTs
    var array<swingPoint> swingPoints =<swingPoint>()
    // @variable storage array for swingPoint UDTs
    var array<swingPoint> internalPoints =<swingPoint>()

    // @variable current leg bullish or bearish bias (1 or 0)
    int currentLeg = na
    // @variable true if there is a new pivot
    bool newPivot = na
    // @variable true if there is a new pivot low
    bool pivotLow = na
    // @variable true if there is a new pivot high
    bool pivotHigh = na

    // @variable current internal leg bullish or bearish bias (1 or 0)
    int internalLeg = na
    // @variable true if there is a new internal pivot
    bool newInternalPivot = na
    // @variable true if there is a new internal pivot low
    bool internalLow = na
    // @variable true if there is a new internal pivot high
    bool internalHigh = na

    // @variable last swing bar index
    var int legIndex = bar_index
    // @variable last swing high
    var float legHigh = high
    // @variable last swing low
    var float legLow = low
    // @variable last swing bar time
    var int legTime = time

    // @variable last internal bar index
    var int internalLegIndex = bar_index
    // @variable last internal high
    var float internalLegHigh = high
    // @variable last internal low
    var float internalLegLow = low
    // @variable last internal bar time
    var int internalLegTime = time

    // @function Get the value of the current leg, it can be 0 (bearish) or 1 (bullish)
    // @returns int
    leg(int length) =>
    var leg = 0
    newLegHigh = high == ta.highest( length)
    newLegLow = low == ta.lowest( length)

    if newLegHigh
    leg := BULLISH_LEG
    else if newLegLow
    leg := BEARISH_LEG

    // @function Identify whether the current value is the start of a new leg (swing)
    // @param leg (int) Current leg value
    // @returns bool
    startOfNewLeg(int leg) => ta.change(leg) != 0

    // @function Identify whether the current level is the start of a new bearish leg (swing)
    // @param leg (int) Current leg value
    // @returns bool
    startOfBearishLeg(int leg) => ta.change(leg) == -1

    // @function Identify whether the current level is the start of a new bullish leg (swing)
    // @param leg (int) Current leg value
    // @returns bool
    startOfBullishLeg(int leg) => ta.change(leg) == +1

    // @function Parses swingPoint to chart.point
    // @param point swingPoint to parse
    // @returns chart.point ID
    chartPoint(swingPoint point) =>, point.barIndex, point.priceLevel)

    // @function True if point price is between top and bottom prices
    // @param point swingPoint to check
    // @param top top swingPoint
    // @param bottom bottom swingPoint
    // @returns bool
    inside(swingPoint point, swingPoint top, swingPoint bottom) => point.priceLevel <= top.priceLevel and point.priceLevel >= bottom.priceLevel

    // @function True if point price is between top and bottom prices
    // @param point swingPoint to check
    // @param top top price
    // @param bottom bottom price
    // @returns bool
    insideLevel(swingPoint point, float top, float bottom) => point.priceLevel <= top and point.priceLevel >= bottom

    // @function Detects and returns a swingPoint after point4 with similar price within top and bottom swingPoints
    // @param point4 swingPoint to check
    // @param top top swingPoint
    // @param bottom bottom swingPoint
    // @returns swingPoint ID
    doubleTopBottom(swingPoint point4,swingPoint top,swingPoint bottom) =>
    swingPoint point5 = na
    for eachPoint in internalPoints
    if eachPoint.barIndex > point4.barIndex and eachPoint.swing == point4.swing and (strictModeInput ? insideLevel(eachPoint,point4.priceLevel+strictThresholdInput,point4.priceLevel-strictThresholdInput) : inside(eachPoint,top,bottom))
    point5 := eachPoint

    // @function Draws last detected SBS
    // @returns void
    plotLastSBS() =>
    color defaultColor = autoColorInput ? chart.fg_color : defaultColorInput
    int concurrentSequences = 0
    string textFix = ”
    sbs lastSBS = sequences.last()
    bool bullishSequence = lastSBS.points.first().price > lastSBS.points.get(1).price

    for [index,eachSBS] in sequences
    if index >= 1
    if eachSBS.points.first().index < sequences.get(index – 1).points.last().index
    concurrentSequences += 1
    concurrentSequences := 0

    if concurrentSequences > 0
    baseString = str.tostring(<string>(concurrentSequences,’\n’))
    textFix := str.replace_all(str.substring(baseString,1,str.length(baseString)-1),’, ‘,”)

    if showBoxInput
    color boxColor = bullishSequence ? BULLISH_BOX_COLOR : BEARISH_BOX_COLOR
    float top = bullishSequence ? lastSBS.points.first().price : lastSBS.points.get(1).price
    float bottom = bullishSequence ? lastSBS.points.get(1).price : lastSBS.points.first().price,top,lastSBS.points.last().time,bottom,xloc = xloc.bar_time,bgcolor = boxColor,border_width = 0)

    if showPathInput, false, false, xloc.bar_time,,50), line_style = line.style_solid, line_width = 2)

    if showLinesInput,lastSBS.points.first().price,lastSBS.points.get(2).time,lastSBS.points.first().price,xloc.bar_time,color = defaultColor,style = line.style_dotted),lastSBS.points.get(1).price,lastSBS.points.last().time,lastSBS.points.get(1).price,xloc.bar_time,color = defaultColor,style = line.style_dotted),lastSBS.points.get(2).price,lastSBS.points.last().time,lastSBS.points.get(2).price,xloc.bar_time,color = defaultColor,style = line.style_dotted),lastSBS.points.get(3).price,lastSBS.points.last().time,lastSBS.points.get(3).price,xloc.bar_time,color = defaultColor,style = line.style_dotted),lastSBS.points.get(4).price,lastSBS.points.last().time,lastSBS.points.get(4).price,xloc.bar_time,color = defaultColor,style = line.style_dotted)

    if detectPoint5Input,lastSBS.points.get(5).price,lastSBS.points.last().time,lastSBS.points.get(5).price,xloc.bar_time,color = defaultColor,style = line.style_dotted),bullishSequence ? ‘Swing High’ + textFix : textFix + ‘Swing Low’,xloc.bar_time,color = color(na),style = bullishSequence ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up,textcolor = defaultColor),bullishSequence ? textFix + ‘Swing Low’ : ‘Swing High’ + textFix,xloc.bar_time,color = color(na),style = bullishSequence ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down,textcolor = defaultColor),bullishSequence ? ‘1’ + textFix : textFix + ‘1’,xloc.bar_time,color = color(na),style = bullishSequence ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up,textcolor = defaultColor),bullishSequence ? textFix + ‘2’ : ‘2’ + textFix,xloc.bar_time,color = color(na),style = bullishSequence ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down,textcolor = defaultColor),bullishSequence ? ‘3’ + textFix : textFix + ‘3’,xloc.bar_time,color = color(na),style = bullishSequence ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up,textcolor = defaultColor),bullishSequence ? textFix + ‘4’ : ‘4’ + textFix,xloc.bar_time,color = color(na),style = bullishSequence ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down,textcolor = defaultColor)

    if detectPoint5Input,bullishSequence ? textFix + ‘5’ : ‘5’ + textFix,xloc.bar_time,color = color(na),style = bullishSequence ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down,textcolor = defaultColor)

    // @function Finds and plots sequences with internal swing detector
    // @returns void
    gatherInternalSBS() =>
    size = array.size(swingPoints)

    if size >= 6
    A = array.get(swingPoints, size – 6)
    B = array.get(swingPoints, size – 5)
    point1 = array.get(swingPoints, size – 4)
    point2 = array.get(swingPoints, size – 3)
    point3 = array.get(swingPoints, size – 2)
    point4 = array.get(swingPoints, size – 1)

    swingPoint doubleTopPoint = na
    swingPoint doubleBottomPoint = na

    if detectPoint5Input
    doubleTopPoint := doubleTopBottom(point4,B,A)
    doubleBottomPoint := doubleTopBottom(point4,A,B)

    bearishSBS = point1.swing == LOW and inside(point1,A,point3) and inside(point2,B,A) and (point4Beyond2Input ? inside(point4,B,point2) : inside(point4,B,A)) and (detectPoint5Input ? not na(doubleTopPoint) : true)
    bullishSBS = point1.swing == HIGH and inside(point1,point3,A) and inside(point2,A,B) and (point4Beyond2Input ? inside(point4,point2,B) : inside(point4,A,B)) and (detectPoint5Input ? not na(doubleBottomPoint) : true)

    if bullishSBS or bearishSBS
    bool addSequence = false

    if sequences.size() == 0
    addSequence := true
    else if sequences.last().points.first().time < A.barTime
    addSequence := true

    if addSequence

    if detectPoint5Input
    sequences.last().points.push(chartPoint(bullishSBS ? doubleBottomPoint : doubleTopPoint))


    // @function Finds and plots sequences with swing detector
    // @returns void
    gatherSwingSBS() =>
    size = array.size(swingPoints)

    if size >= 8
    A = array.get(swingPoints, size – 8)
    B = array.get(swingPoints, size – 7)
    point1 = array.get(swingPoints, size – 6)
    point2 = array.get(swingPoints, size – 5)
    point3 = array.get(swingPoints, size – 4)
    point4 = array.get(swingPoints, size – 3)
    point5 = array.get(swingPoints, size – 2)
    point6 = array.get(swingPoints, size – 1)

    bearishSBS = point1.swing == LOW and inside(point1,A,point3) and inside(point2,B,A) and (point4Beyond2Input ? inside(point4,B,point2) : inside(point4,B,A)) and (detectPoint5Input ? (strictModeInput ? insideLevel(point6,point4.priceLevel+strictThresholdInput,point4.priceLevel-strictThresholdInput) : inside(point6,B,A)) : true)
    bullishSBS = point1.swing == HIGH and inside(point1,point3,A) and inside(point2,A,B) and (point4Beyond2Input ? inside(point4,point2,B) : inside(point4,A,B)) and (detectPoint5Input ? (strictModeInput ? insideLevel(point6,point4.priceLevel+strictThresholdInput,point4.priceLevel-strictThresholdInput) : inside(point6,A,B)) : true)

    if bullishSBS or bearishSBS
    bool addSequence = false

    if sequences.size() == 0
    addSequence := true
    else if sequences.last().points.first().time < A.barTime
    addSequence := true

    if addSequence

    if detectPoint5Input


    // @function Add a swingPoint point to an array points with a provided max number of elements
    // @param point swingPoint to add
    // @param points array of swingPoint
    // @param size max size of array
    // @returns void
    addPoint(swingPoint point, array<swingPoint> points, int size) =>
    if points.size() >= size


    currentLeg := leg(pivotLengthInput)
    newPivot := startOfNewLeg(currentLeg)
    pivotLow := startOfBullishLeg(currentLeg)
    pivotHigh := startOfBearishLeg(currentLeg)

    internalLeg := leg(internalLengthInput)
    newInternalPivot := startOfNewLeg(internalLeg)
    internalLow := startOfBullishLeg(internalLeg)
    internalHigh := startOfBearishLeg(internalLeg)

    // we execute the logic only once per bar close
    if barstate.isconfirmed

    // if there is a new swing point execute the logic
    if newInternalPivot
    priceLevel = internalLegHigh
    legBias = HIGH

    // if the new swing point is a pivot low change the values
    if internalLow
    priceLevel := internalLegLow
    legBias := LOW

    // we store the new swing point

    // we check and plot new sequence

    // we update the current leg values: high, low, index and time
    internalLegHigh := internalLow ? high : math.max(high,internalLegHigh)
    internalLegLow := internalHigh ? low : math.min(low, internalLegLow)
    internalLegIndex := (internalLeg == BULLISH_LEG and internalLegHigh == high) or (internalLeg == BEARISH_LEG and internalLegLow == low) ? bar_index : internalLegIndex
    internalLegTime := (internalLeg == BULLISH_LEG and internalLegHigh == high) or (internalLeg == BEARISH_LEG and internalLegLow == low) ? time : internalLegTime

    // if there is a new swing point execute the logic
    if newPivot
    priceLevel = legHigh
    legBias = HIGH

    // if the new swing point is a pivot low change the values
    if pivotLow
    priceLevel := legLow
    legBias := LOW

    // we store the new swing point

    // we check and plot new sequence

    // we update the current leg values: high, low, index and time
    legHigh := pivotLow ? high : math.max(high,legHigh)
    legLow := pivotHigh ? low : math.min(low, legLow)
    legIndex := (currentLeg == BULLISH_LEG and legHigh == high) or (currentLeg == BEARISH_LEG and legLow == low) ? bar_index : legIndex
    legTime := (currentLeg == BULLISH_LEG and legHigh == high) or (currentLeg == BEARISH_LEG and legLow == low) ? time : legTime



    hi any update on this please


    Bonjour. Ce n'est pas une traduction facile. J'ai besoin de temps libre pour le faire.

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