please explain this line of code with summation instruction

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support please explain this line of code with summation instruction

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  • #162722

    I came across this in someone else’s strategy and, apart from it being an exit code, I don’t entirely understand what it’s doing.

    Most grateful for an explanation in plain language.




    It checks to be true that close was lower than close[6] during each of the last 35 occurences, it saves you from writing the much longer equivalent condition “close<close[6] and close[1]<close[7] and close[2]<close[8] and … and close[34]<close[40]”

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Alright, so it’s basically defining the length of a down trend and at what point it will quit.

    Could be useful, thanks for the explanation.

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