userindic1 = CALL "Range Volatilty"
indicator1 = ExponentialAverage[6](userindic1)
a1 = (indicator1 >= SeuilVolat/100) AND (Volume > SeuilVolume) AND (Close > SeuilValeur)
// A FAIRE ---> Modifier Seuil Vol et Seuil Valeur par Volume *Close
TIMEFRAME (default)
Force = 0
Indic1 = CALL "LS and Clo xH +Haut15P (LS>Clo"
b1 = (Indic1 = 1)
b2 = (Indic1[1] = 1)
OK1 = (a1 AND b1 ) OR (a1 AND b2)
IF OK1 THEN Force = Force + 1
Indic2 = CALL "Clo xH BBH100"
c1 = (Indic2 = 1)
c2 = (Indic2[1] = 1)
OK2 = (a1 AND c1 ) OR (a1 AND c2)
IF OK2 THEN Force = Force + 1
Indic3 = CALL "LS and Close xH BBH200"(close)
d1 = (Indic3 = 1)
d2 = (Indic3[1] = 1)
OK3 = (a1 AND d1 ) OR (a1 AND d2)
IF OK3 THEN Force = Force + 1
Indic4 = CALL "Squeeze Carter 100 BB14P"
e1 = (Indic4 = 0)
e2 = (Indic4[1] = 1)
OK4 = (a1 AND e1 AND e2) // Squeeze Carter passe à 0
IF OK4 THEN Force = Force + 2
Indic5 = CALL "RSI9 > BBH20"
f1 = (Indic5 = 1)
f2 = (Indic5[1] = 1)
OK5 = (a1 AND f1 ) OR (a1 AND f2)
IF OK5 THEN Force = Force + 2
criteria = Force
SCREENER[OK1 OR OK2 OR OK3 OR OK4 OR OK5] (criteria AS "Force")
//criteria = CALL "Range Volatilty"
//SCREENER[OK1 OR OK2 OR OK3 OR OK4 OR OK5] (criteria AS "Range Volatilty")