problem with TP and TRSL

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support problem with TP and TRSL

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  • #41134

    I tried to run a back test on a forex cross daily chart. I saw that every position has opened at 0100 during the week and at 2100 on Sunday.

    the problem is that the TP or TRSL were sent during the same time. that’s impossible !

    I don’t understand how to fix it. thank you




    Please update your country flag by choosing a location in your profile settings, thank you.

    Moderator’s advice : you’ll have a higher probability of other users trying to help you with your query if you provide them with more details (instrument, timeframe, code listing, picture of graphed key variables with “GRAPH” command from your backtest to see how your TP and TRSL values evolve before during and after orders are sent, etc…)

    Welcome to the forum


    Even in tick-by-tick backtest mode, the entry/exit of the positions will never be displayed at their exact time, but at time of when the code is read (at Close of the candle).



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