profit target calc

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  • #47321


    How would I code the following please?

    On the bar that the BUY is triggered, calculate x = (close-open).

    Then make the pprofit = x.



    Hi Real Pro

    With such tight profit range it look like youa re coding a scalper?

    The bar the trade was opened can be calculated using (barindex-tradeindex). Thus you can use something like;

    TriggerBar = (barindex-tradeindex)

    TriggerRange = ABS(Close[TriggerBar] – Open[TriggerBar])

    Set Target pProfit = TriggerRange


    Hi Juan, thanks.  I’m using on 5 minute bars, so not really scalping as such.  The trigger bar is a big breakout bar.

    I copy/pasted as presented above and it gave me an error.  Does it require some rejigging?

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