Profitable strategy that work on any market

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  • #42343

    @juanj, no I forgot to du that. But now i tried to change but I dont get the same results. Here is 200k from 8 to 19 utc+1.


    @Henrik and @Nicolas I have spent some time ‘optimizing’ Entry and Exit criteria, possibly to the extent where it is ‘over’ optimized (too many OR’s). I will over the comming days refine the criteria adding and removing them as I test between different markets trying to find what tend to work more universally. For now the attached is the latest version, also attached my latest results on EUR/USD. @Hendrik if you backtest on 200k bars just re-optimize the trading time filter using the backtest engine.


    Here it is over 200k. Put it optimizing  overnight. Feels like stopped somewhere but you see which time parameters used.








    1 user thanked author for this post.

    @Hendrik, thankyou for that I am glad to see it is performing well going back that far. Looking really positive!

    I would say according to your optimization Start: 9 and End: 19 is the sweet spot here, good 10 hours of exposure and the highest win %.

    The Exit time is not really too important here as it is simply meant to close the positions Friday night (just before the weekend).


    I have developed a new ‘universal’ strategy developed on many of the same principles as the other one using a Keltner band to supplement the Bollinger band and trading mean reversion.

    It is not meant to replace the previous strategy but rather to supplement it.

    I have also not tested this strategy on as many markets as my other one however it performs relatively fair across markets as far as I could see so far. Attached is the .ITF file along with the results on Gold (attached screenshot compares the 2 strategies result on Gold). @Henrik if you want you can maybe test the strategy on 200k bars optimizing the timeframe accordingly (just Start Time and End Time)?

    if you prefer we can add this strategy as a separate entry to the library?




    I think we could make multiple posts but with different approach, because it seems to evolve each day a bit more 🙂 People may also “fork” this code and upload them here. So I feel like we could wait for things to be a bit more ‘advanced’ or ‘completed’. In any case, thanks for the job done and for sharing! 😉 Please note that I’ll be on leave by tomorrow, not be able to be as present on forums/admin and moderations as usual.


    @nicolas enjoy your leave! When will you be back in full swing?



    Here is BollingerKeltner.itf with 200k and time opti.




    Bonnes vacances Nicolas !!


    @Hendrik thank you for that. What do you say we try a few more markets? Oil as well as some of the other big markets? FTSE, DAX, etc.


    I have modified my latest version to include heuristics to automatically optimize the period used to calculate the Bollinger and Keltner Bands. I have also opened a new topic (containing the heuristics algorithm used).


    The sequence make no sense to me. I compared it with the mathematical sequences I could find, did some calculations in Excel and also visit a mathematical forum for more info. The only thing I could confirm is the number 42 from @juanj that seems to be the median of the sequence.


    @Marcel thank you for your comment, I appreciate you looking into it. You are correct in that the sequence doesn’t make sense, however it does achieve its purpose. Maybe you can assist with a more logical algorithm? What I am trying to achieve is something like this;

    Starting Variable (Median)

    Starting Variable + (increment)

    Starting Variable –  (increment)

    Starting Variable + (increment*2)

    Starting Variable – (increment*2)

    Starting Variable + (increment*3)

    Starting Variable – (increment*3


    However in typing this I now think I know how to do it.




    @ Juani

    I’m still working to the strategy based on Ichimoku and hosoda cycle. If you are interested we can develop togheter a specific strategy.



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