ProOrder window – Permanent Background Shade

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support ProOrder window – Permanent Background Shade

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  • #202674

    Anybody know where is the setting to remove (or change?) the permanent background shade (yellow) that I am seeing on my ProOrder window??

    My selected native Colour Scheme is ‘Dark Blue’ … please try it on your Platform to see if you get same as attached??

    As you can see from attached the 3 Systems at the bottom are not shaded … weird phenomenon??


    Try some of these options from pics:

    • x1 – sit your mouse on a line of the autotrading panel and click the right button, then choose a colour from the HIGHLIGHT menu
    • x2 – open the platform general settings, then click in one of the two colours and set anyone you choose (remember thecurrent colour, first, to be able to restore it later)

    One of them must be the one you need.




    AHA Big Thank You Roberto, x1 worked a treat … right click > Un-Highlight ALL.

    I’ve never used the right click options before on the ProOrder window  so I don’t know how they all got highlighted, but all fixed now! 🙂


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