ProRealTime 11 Optimize report

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  • #151866


    I have trouble understanding parts of the optimize report in ProRealTime 11.1
    I dont get the Max Drawdown and Max Runup figures to make any sence.

    If you look at the attached photos you can see the optimize report and detailed report of a strategy, but the figures I get for Drawdown/Runup on the optimize report doesnt match anything on the detailed report.
    Please help me understand this.


    It must be a different method for working out the two sets of figures.

    I would have named the two sets of figures slightly different to highlight the difference.


    It must be a different method for working out the two sets of figures. I would have named the two sets of figures slightly different to highlight the difference.

    Yes, they are completely different.
    And i can’t seem to find any correlation between Runup/Drawdown in optimize and ANY data in the detailed report.


    I reported the same observation to Nicolas off forum a couple of days ago. Not sure if he has reported it to PRT yet.


    And i can’t seem to find any correlation

    Check the equity curve and judge which set of trades go from the highest to the lowest on the equity curve, use the cross hairs on the cursor to judge equity values highest minus lowest …  does that equal (ish) the Drawdown figure in the Optimise Table?

    Opposite to above for RunUp.


    There is indeed a problem in the Max runup / max drawdown view. It is currently being analyzed, a fix will come soon.


    Any news on this bug and if it will be resolved soon?

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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