Prorealtime trade copier

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  • #58848

    Hi everyone!

    I was wondering if it exists a software that can copy trades of a PRT master account to PRT slaves accounts? There are many for MT4 but I can’t find it for PRT. If it doesn’t exist, then I would like someone to code it for me.

    Best regards!



    Did you find any software or code for this question?



    I’m intrigued … what do you mean?

    Only thing I can think of is to run the same System on your slave accounts as your master account.

    But above is probably due to me not understanding what you want / mean anyway??


    The goal of having a master account and slave accounts is that slave accounts can automatically copy and execute the same orders as the master account without having access to the source code of the trading strategy.


    Would this be for purposes of having paying clients on the slave accounts?

    If Yes, then my idea could still work and the clients would use the encrypted / cannot be opened version of the code on the slave accounts.


    My current research is mainly to benefit friends without disclosing the source code. However, yes, it can also be used to make a paying service to slave accounts.

    I am a Python user, I did not know that I could encrypt the PRT code when exporting. I just made an export with non-modifiable code and unique use and found that the code is encrypted and can only be imported once.

    Thanks a lot for your answers.


    Unfortunately, the encrypted code can not be used for automatic trading. Only use for backtests is possible. I do not know if it’s a specific restriction by my broker (IG) or if it’s a generic restriction of all PRT encrypted code.I am looking for, especially if a broker using PRT allows automatic trading with encrypted code or not.


    the encrypted code can not be used for automatic trading

    Mmm that’s a new one on me, maybe others have comments / more to add?

    Maybe the IG server needs a key to unlock the code to then be able to execute the code??

    I’ve never used the encrypted code so I am theorising.


    PRT servers do not allow ‘black box’ strategies on them. It is however possible to encrypt indicators. This means that you can hide all your strategy’s indicators and conditions and variable values in an indicator and then use CALL to get them into the strategy. The strategy then just has simple buy and sell instructions etc based on the called values.


    good-morning Paul
    you who program in python
    with WEB API is it possible that the clients is a program in python in communication with yours and you manage the server PRT


    Thank Vonasi and fifi743,

    : I will explore this to see what it will give.

    @ fifi743: Does PRT have a Web API? Or you want to talk about my broker (IG) Web API? I have already used the IG API for some strategies without going through PRT. The IG API allows to have 10000 historical points per week (1 access per minute), it is not enough for my strategies. I am very interested in the Web API possibilities using PRT if you can develop. Tkank you.


    for example
    a python software with several web APIs and with the software give you the orders


    Any updates about that?


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