Proscreener for a specific date

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  • #182920


    I wound if there is a smart way to run a screener for a specific date, eg. 20201201.
    I want to do get a list of what ROC[60] my defined shares had on a specific date.


    There you go (but you can’t go backwards more than 254 bars with IG):



    Thank you robertogozzi (Is it ok to refer like this?)

    I guess I was a bit unclear of my need.
    Your solution seems to give me all shares that had a greater ROC on a specific date compared to the latest ROC.

    What I wanted was:
    – On specific date, say latest date for a quarter, eg. 20210930
    – A list of ROC(60) for the top shares during that quarter: 202107 – 202109

    Then I want to do the same for the previous quarter, from 20210630 and so on.

    I am trying to manually backtest a momentum strategi but perhaps there is smarter ways to do this automatically?
    Though I also want to visually see how the graph look like for the top shares.

    BTW: Can you tell me more about the limitation “you can’t go backwards more than 254 bars with IG”.
    Why is that? Is there any more limitations like this with IG?




    254 bars are the maximum lookback number of candles that you can scan.

    That is you can refer, at most, say CLOSE[253], or use an Exponential average with no more than about 80-85 periods.

    On a 1-minute chart you can access only the last 254 (0-253) minutes, on a Daily chart it’s 254 trading days. If you combine more TFs, the lowest TF sets the lookback period, so a screener cannot use both the Daily and 1-minute TF as a day is made of 1440 1-minute bars, way too many!

    If you have access to PRT premium then the limit is now 1024 bars.

    To check between a starting and an ending period you need two dates, not just one.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    And this is what I have come up with. Any comments robertogozzi?



    The logic seems correct.


    1 user thanked author for this post.
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