PRT crashed, are my scrpt lost?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support PRT crashed, are my scrpt lost?

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  • #234730


    2 days ago I was doing some backtesting with a script. My computer semi-crashed but I was abel to shut it down by the start meny.


    Today when I open PRT my script is like it was 3 days ago, eg all my editing that I did 2 days ago is lost. Is it possible to get it back somehow?




    No, unfortunately whatever you write will be saved when you exit thw platform using the toolbar commands.

    I always download the ITF file to my PC at elast once per hour (it depends on how much I coded).

    Sometimes, instead of downloading to my PC, I simply copy and paste the code into a text editor (I use Notepad++, but any editor is fine for the job).


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    Wheres the ITF file?


    You’ll need to export the cfg as an ITF file.

    There’s a few ways, here’s one:

    From Toolbar > Display > Indicators

    Select your Indicator / Trading System / Chart Template

    Hit Export






    is it possible to save as native ITF on ++ so we can then import? I’m thinking not but man it’d be useful, still need to confirm the config….I guess that’s what we have portrait mode for.


    Thank you for the reply, but o.m.g. this sounds really non-premium !!! 🙂

    Why cant the developers just have the code thats’s user created splitted in a folder for me to copy in Windows with my own way of copying the file.

    Or at lease have all the backtests/indicators encrypted in a single big file I can manually copy. If I do a import, it shows me a list of whats in the file and I can choose what I want to import.

    This is just weird.


    But a big thank you for clearify this.


    The code can only be copied & pasted to any editor and word processor or be exported as  a proprietary ITF file. No other formats are supported.



    Is Help > Export my Personal Data and use to you George_Lager ?

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    I used to get caught out all the time with it, in early days.

    Now I make sure I ctrl/S regularly and save.

    Also, I make sure I have added code to a chart, sometimes edits not saved.

    Especially if edits don’t change code logic, like comments.

    Also, I use the export Personal Data, under HELP on main menu bar, regular, with different file names so have different versions.

    That’s in case I delete something by accident and don’t find out till weeks later.

    In past I have copied code to other editor and used snipping tool to take screen shot of code on PC.

    And at one point even set up a screen recorder just in case.

    The latter causes its own problems, with computer resources.


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    That’s a ripper @Grahal

    something for the suggestion box (append date to filename, it’s do-able in other apps).


    Already do, good idea to point it out. I think yyyymmdd filename  format works best with file list indexing.

    I setup ddmmyyyy and it mixes the months up.

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    Yes saw you already did that, just a thought that an automagical way of doing it, would be a timesaver of sorts – could also append date-time proper so a valid time stamp. The file attributes have it but not the name (just a lazy sod here hehe).

    If you want to have a laugh *cough*, I was – manually – downloading ALL tweaked indicator iterations and then saw GraHals and your post – hamburgers with the lot I thought. So not quite a lazy sod here but there’s ways to be smarter about what we do, (what I said is basically an extension of what you do anyway, just pre-canned).

    FWIW, genuinely excited to not have to manually dig it all out, bang, done, one file ….. sorted!

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    A nice pro tip is to use the quick “printer” button/function when editing a script in the upper right corner, and setting the default printing to Windows PDF.

    It’s super easy when editing a script to just press the printer button and your script gets saved 🙂


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    Hi George and thanks for the tip.

    I had a crack at this and for some reason wouldn’t work, turns out there was an outlier lpt driver in the way, doh, newbie problem for an old dog!

    Thanks again.

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