Question/problem with set %STOP LOSS

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Question/problem with set %STOP LOSS

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  • #161833

    Hi Guys,

    May be a stupid question but when we use SET %STOP LOSS it is a percentage of what ?

    Because I read it’s a percentage of position price

    But when I replace with SET pSTOP LOSS %*positionprice I haven’t the same result …

    If you have an idea ?

    Have a nice day



    i believe it is x% away from what the price is

    lets say price is 100, and you have sl at 2% the stoploss will be at 98


    I thought but no

    I do different trials and it depends on strategyprofit and capital



    But don’t find how to calculate the number of point/pip it corresponds …


    Ask PRT direct using the Form on the link below …

    Be sure to tell us all what PRT say.

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