Rertracement FIbonacci, nombre de lignes

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support Rertracement FIbonacci, nombre de lignes

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  • #203324


    Je  souhaiterai recréer l’indicateur retracement Fibonnaci de PRT pour pouvoir ajouter une dizaine de lignes, ce qui n’est pas possible : l’indicateur comprend 10 lignes et il n’est pas possible d’en rajouter il me semble.

    N’ayant pas vraiment de compétences pointues en programmation, serait-il possible de me communiquer un bout de code que je puisse utiliser ?

    J’essaierai de me débrouiller sinon mais il me faudra quelques dizaines d’heures. 🙁

    Avec mes remerciements 🙂


    I would like to recreate the Fibonnaci retracement indicator of PRT to be able to add ten lines, which is not possible: the indicator includes 10 lines and it is not possible to add more it seems to me.

    Since I don’t really have advanced programming skills, would it be possible to send me a piece of code that I can use?

    I will try to manage otherwise but it will take me a few dozen hours. 🙁

    With my thanks 🙂



    Hi @Bateson

    Which lines do you want to add?



    Only post in the language of the forumthat you are posting in. For example English only in the English speaking forums and French only in the French speaking forums.

    Thank you 🙂



    <thank you I just recreate the post in the right forum, in French. Cordially

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