Rookie doubts about PRT

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  • #155203

    Hi there guys

    I’ve been using PRT during last year as a service offered my bank, Bankinter, and I have a couple of doubts I’d like the community to solve them if it were possible:

    First of all, I’m afraid that the platform (or the service I receive form BKT) I’m using currently is not updated to last level because I see many differences as, e.g., the interface aspect, list or indicators configuration, etc.

    Secondly, If I want to use this platform in real time I have to pay some fees and also the same for operating in foreigners markets.

    Do you guys think if it is possible to integrate the newest and last version of PRT on Bankinter BrokerPlus service avoiding to pay extra fees?

    I look forward your helpful comments.

    Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year


    I would very much doubt you can avoid fees etc.

    Why don’t you open an additional Account with IG and check it all out for a few weeks and then make a comparison of which you prefer?


    Do you guys think if it is possible to integrate the newest and last version of PRT on Bankinter BrokerPlus service avoiding to pay extra fees?

    I’ll go firm and say above would not be possible because the Launcher script would contain code to match up to the version that Bankinter BrokerPlus has provided to you.


    I think that Bankinter will update to v11 if it is not already the case.


    Many thanks for your replies, guys.

    Unfortunately I will have to pay again (BKT service is not for free) if I want to use PRT v.11 due to my back hasn’t updated yet the platform.


    if I want to use PRT v.11

    Im a fan of PRT and currently get 11.1 free with IGindex.

    however….  For me the upgrade was not a huge upgrade. The Ui is a little cleaner and perhaps there is a lot back end that we dont see, but the biggest difference is the additional backtest data which I still do not get from IG as you have to have a premium version from PRT to do that.


    What functionality is it you think you need prt 11 for?


    Thanks for replying.

    Mainly what I’m missing after trying the current version of PRT during the free trial is a cleaner interface, the possibility of managing more lists instead only one, more indicators, drawing in an easier way on graphics, etc. These two versions are quite different.


    Mainly what I’m missing

    Hmm …

    You probably did not find the means to create more lists ? you can have “dozens”.

    More Indicators than how many ? Did you run into a limit ?

    drawing in an easier way on graphics would be a tough one to judge. Do you have an example ?



    more indicators,

    Did you check the Library on this website … there are flippin LAAWWWDDSSS! 🙂

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