RSI14 & DAX 5 minutes trading system

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  • #45862

    TF 5 min on CFD DAX mini, only little backtest to validate the robusteness of the strategy




    Hello ,

    there is  something  to  help me and  to check the robustness of this strategy ? Backtest with 200k bar  or other check ?





    Here are the results of this trading system over 200.000 bars. Not too bad, I used 2 points spread.


    Hi Nicolas ,

    thanks an advance for your check

    Any suggestion from the Community  to optimize the equity line  and to reduce the Drawdown   ?


    Regards .



    The risk/reward ratio is 0.66, due to stoploss superior to takeprofit value. You should try to investigate first on this purpose to reduce the effect that multiple losses in the same row can have on the overall result. This is what happened during year 2015 in backtest.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    HI Nicolas ,

    I tried to  insert a little check with current day of week  ,  less trade  but the equity line is optimize

    Follow the  code , what do you think ?




    Please, once again, use the <> button to insert code into your post, thanks in advance 😉

    So depending of the day of the week, you are modulating your exposure?


    I  only  check in the code >  if current day of week is less than 3  ,   buy 2 contract , else buy only 1 contract …

    But the result of the equity seems better than the previous code  …. Backtest  only for 100k bar , I  don t Know before …



    Good thing about the pattern you spot for the strategy, but the RR is still inferior to 1, it doesn’t sounds good 😐


    Suggest me your calculation  formula of the RR ?




    The risk reward ratio is calculated mathematically by dividing the amount of profit the trader expects to have made when the position is closed (the reward) to the amount the trader stands to lose if the price moves in the unexpected direction (the risk).
    So basically, in your case, divide the takeprofit by your stoploss: 20/30 = 0.66

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