Hi is it possible to program a screener for this indicator bollingerLengths=50 liqLength=50 rocCalcLength=30 avg = average[bollingerLengths] upBand = avg+std[bollingerlengths]*1.25 dnBand = avg–std[bollingerlengths]*1.25 atr = AverageTrueRange[14](close) rocCalc = Close – Close[rocCalcLength–1]// {remember to subtract 1} if(lastsignal<=0 and rocCalc > 0) and close<upBand then drawarrowup(barindex,low–atr) coloured(0,255,0) lastsignal=1 endif if(lastsignal>=0 and rocCalc < 0) and close>dnBand then drawarrowdown(barindex,high+atr) coloured(255,0,0) lastsignal=–1 endif if lastsignal=0 then liqDays= liqLength else liqDays= liqDays – 1 liqDays= Max(liqDays,10) endif return thanks