I think I know the answer to this question but I just wanted to confirm.
Does a screener result/criteria have to be a positive integer or is there a way to use ASCII characters or anything like that?
I was trying to return integers prefixed with a minus sign for a short signal and no minus sign for a buy signal but noticed I wasn’t getting any short signals, hence my question.
Any tips on how to differentiate long v short clearly would be appreciated.
I think I know the answer to this question but I just wanted to confirm.
Does a screener result/criteria have to be a positive integer or is there a way to use ASCII characters or anything like that?
I was trying to return integers prefixed with a minus sign for a short signal and no minus sign for a buy signal but noticed I wasn’t getting any short signals, hence my question.
Any tips on how to differentiate long v short clearly would be appreciated.
I think I figured out my logic problem but would still welcome any tips!
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