I got it!
I had to call the set of indicators (lrs10 and lrs20) under the weekly timeframe as different variables in order for those to be based on that timeframe in that section of the code.
// Load necessary indicators// Load necessary indicators
lrs10, lrs20, ignored = CALL “LRSATR_T”[20,10]
gapatrx = CALL “GapATRx”
atrxd2sma,ignored = Call “ATR_D2_SMA_T”[20,10]
atrx = Call “ATRx”
wlrs10, wlrs20, ignored = CALL “LRSATR_T”[20,10]
weeklyc1 = (high[1]=highest[7](high) OR high=highest[7](high))
weeklyc2 = (wlrs10>0 AND wlrs20>0 AND wlrs10 > wlrs20)
dailyc1 =(high[1]=highest[14](high) OR high=highest[14](high))
dailyc2 = (lrs10>0 AND lrs20>0 AND lrs10>lrs20 AND volume[1] >2000000 AND volume[1]>average[20](volume) AND average[10](close)>average[20](close) AND gapatrx<6 AND atrxd2sma < 10 AND atrx[1]<50)
dailyc3 = ((close[1]-close[2])/close[2]>.1 OR (close-close[1])/close[1]>.1)
// Combine setups into final screener condition
SCREENER[dailyc1 AND dailyc2 AND dailyc3 AND weeklyc1 AND weeklyc2]
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