// Standard Setting
// Priceline isSMA(2) of RSI(13)
// Signalline is SMA(7) of RSI(13)
// Midband is SMA(35) of RSI(13)
// BolingerBand around SMA(35) using 1.62 StdDev
//Midline = 50
//SignallineUp = 70
//SignallineDown = 30
q = 13
r = 2
t = 35
u = 1.62
RSIasPrice = RSI[q](customclose)
// AverageRSI-Linie als Priceline, deswegen kurzer = 2
Priceline = Average[r](RSIasPrice)
// Signalline = Average 7 vom RSI
Signalline = Average(RSIasPrice) // should be Signalline = Average[7](RSIasPrice)
StdDevRSI = STD[t](RSIasPrice)
MiddleBand = Average[t]((RSIasPrice))
UpperBand = MiddleBand + u*StdDevRSI
LowerBand = MiddleBand - u*StdDevRSI
Return Priceline AS "Priceline", UpperBand AS "UpperBand", LowerBand AS "LowerBand", MiddleBand AS "MiddleBand = Market Base Line", Signalline AS "Signalline", 68 COLOURED(250,100,100)AS "68", 32 AS "32"