Short in S&P with Supertrend on thurstday

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Short in S&P with Supertrend on thurstday

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  • #232728


    I have a Problem with my programm.

    The Idea is to go short on thursday on S&P if the close on wednesday is under the Supertrend (2,5 10).

    Exit is at the end of the month. Entry at beginn of month. SL is if the course makes a new 20 day high.

    The code works as estimated,

    but i saw a detail that if the open on thursday is higher than the supertrend level from wednesday, there shouldn’t be a short trade.

    On September 5.9.19 the open is higher than the supertrend level of wednesday 4.9.

    In this case i don’t want to do the trade because it close is.

    Can someone help me with my code?






    You could change the entry condition with a stop order.

    In this case, if the price on Thursday is higher than Supertrend you will not have a trade.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    CLOSE, that day, was UNDER th eSuperTrend.


    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Yes Roberto you are right, but the entry start on 15:30. An on this time we stay over the super trend Level from day before. So I don’t want to entry this trade. I only want to do the trade if the open ist lower then supertrend the day before.

    Can you help me?


    Thanks. That is only a solution if the course is on open higher than the supertrend. All other cases i cant do the trade

    I test

    and add this to the sell order, but it didn’T work. It still sell

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