Smart money concepts [LuxAlgo]

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  • This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by avatarFr7.
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  • #222137

    Hi !

    Is it possible to convert this indicator into PRT code, this smart money indicator is free on TradingView and it is most advanced and complete out there.

    Here is a link to the TradingView version of this with descriptions etc.

    Thanks in advance 🙂

    Here is the code.

    // This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
    // © LuxAlgo

    indicator(“Smart Money Concepts [LuxAlgo]”, “Smart Money Concepts [LuxAlgo]”
    , overlay = true
    , max_labels_count = 500
    , max_lines_count = 500
    , max_boxes_count = 500
    , max_bars_back = 500)
    color TRANSP_CSS = #ffffff00

    string MODE_TOOLTIP = ‘Allows to display historical Structure or only the recent ones’
    string STYLE_TOOLTIP = ‘Indicator color theme’
    string COLOR_CANDLES_TOOLTIP = ‘Display additional candles with a color reflecting the current trend detected by structure’
    string SHOW_INTERNAL = ‘Display internal market structure’
    string CONFLUENCE_FILTER = ‘Filter non significant internal structure breakouts’
    string SHOW_SWING = ‘Display swing market Structure’
    string SHOW_SWING_POINTS = ‘Display swing point as labels on the chart’
    string SHOW_SWHL_POINTS = ‘Highlight most recent strong and weak high/low points on the chart’
    string INTERNAL_OB = ‘Display internal order blocks on the chart\n\nNumber of internal order blocks to display on the chart’
    string SWING_OB = ‘Display swing order blocks on the chart\n\nNumber of internal swing blocks to display on the chart’
    string FILTER_OB = ‘Method used to filter out volatile order blocks \n\nIt is recommended to use the cumulative mean range method when a low amount of data is available’
    string SHOW_EQHL = ‘Display equal highs and equal lows on the chart’
    string EQHL_BARS = ‘Number of bars used to confirm equal highs and equal lows’
    string EQHL_THRESHOLD = ‘Sensitivity threshold in a range (0, 1) used for the detection of equal highs & lows\n\nLower values will return fewer but more pertinent results’
    string SHOW_FVG = ‘Display fair values gaps on the chart’
    string AUTO_FVG = ‘Filter out non significant fair value gaps’
    string FVG_TF = ‘Fair value gaps timeframe’
    string EXTEND_FVG = ‘Determine how many bars to extend the Fair Value Gap boxes on chart’
    string PED_ZONES = ‘Display premium, discount, and equilibrium zones on chart’

    mode = input.string(‘Historical’
    , options = [‘Historical’, ‘Present’]
    , group = ‘Smart Money Concepts’
    , tooltip = MODE_TOOLTIP)

    style = input.string(‘Colored’
    , options = [‘Colored’, ‘Monochrome’]
    , group = ‘Smart Money Concepts’
    , tooltip = STYLE_TOOLTIP)

    show_trend = input(false, ‘Color Candles’
    , group = ‘Smart Money Concepts’
    , tooltip = COLOR_CANDLES_TOOLTIP)

    //Internal Structure
    show_internals = input(true, ‘Show Internal Structure’
    , group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’
    , tooltip = SHOW_INTERNAL)

    show_ibull = input.string(‘All’, ‘Bullish Structure’
    , options = [‘All’, ‘BOS’, ‘CHoCH’]
    , inline = ‘ibull’
    , group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’)

    swing_ibull_css = input(#089981, ”
    , inline = ‘ibull’
    , group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’)

    //Bear Structure
    show_ibear = input.string(‘All’, ‘Bearish Structure’
    , options = [‘All’, ‘BOS’, ‘CHoCH’]
    , inline = ‘ibear’
    , group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’)

    swing_ibear_css = input(#f23645, ”
    , inline = ‘ibear’
    , group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’)

    ifilter_confluence = input(false, ‘Confluence Filter’
    , group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’
    , tooltip = CONFLUENCE_FILTER)

    internal_structure_size = input.string(‘Tiny’, ‘Internal Label Size’
    , options = [‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Normal’]
    , group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’)

    //Swing Structure
    show_Structure = input(true, ‘Show Swing Structure’
    , group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’
    , tooltip = SHOW_SWING)

    //Bull Structure
    show_bull = input.string(‘All’, ‘Bullish Structure’
    , options = [‘All’, ‘BOS’, ‘CHoCH’]
    , inline = ‘bull’
    , group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)

    swing_bull_css = input(#089981, ”
    , inline = ‘bull’
    , group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)

    //Bear Structure
    show_bear = input.string(‘All’, ‘Bearish Structure’
    , options = [‘All’, ‘BOS’, ‘CHoCH’]
    , inline = ‘bear’
    , group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)

    swing_bear_css = input(#f23645, ”
    , inline = ‘bear’
    , group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)

    swing_structure_size = input.string(‘Small’, ‘Swing Label Size’
    , options = [‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Normal’]
    , group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)

    show_swings = input(false, ‘Show Swings Points’
    , inline = ‘swings’
    , group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’
    , tooltip = SHOW_SWING_POINTS)

    length =, ”
    , minval = 10
    , inline = ‘swings’
    , group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)

    show_hl_swings = input(true, ‘Show Strong/Weak High/Low’
    , group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’
    , tooltip = SHOW_SWHL_POINTS)

    //Order Blocks
    show_iob = input(true, ‘Internal Order Blocks’
    , inline = ‘iob’
    , group = ‘Order Blocks’
    , tooltip = INTERNAL_OB)

    iob_showlast =, ”
    , minval = 1
    , inline = ‘iob’
    , group = ‘Order Blocks’)

    show_ob = input(false, ‘Swing Order Blocks’
    , inline = ‘ob’
    , group = ‘Order Blocks’
    , tooltip = SWING_OB)

    ob_showlast =, ”
    , minval = 1
    , inline = ‘ob’
    , group = ‘Order Blocks’)

    ob_filter = input.string(‘Atr’, ‘Order Block Filter’
    , options = [‘Atr’, ‘Cumulative Mean Range’]
    , group = ‘Order Blocks’
    , tooltip = FILTER_OB)

    ibull_ob_css = input.color(, 80), ‘Internal Bullish OB’
    , group = ‘Order Blocks’)

    ibear_ob_css = input.color(, 80), ‘Internal Bearish OB’
    , group = ‘Order Blocks’)

    bull_ob_css = input.color(, 80), ‘Bullish OB’
    , group = ‘Order Blocks’)

    bear_ob_css = input.color(, 80), ‘Bearish OB’
    , group = ‘Order Blocks’)

    show_eq = input(true, ‘Equal High/Low’
    , group = ‘EQH/EQL’
    , tooltip = SHOW_EQHL)

    eq_len =, ‘Bars Confirmation’
    , minval = 1
    , group = ‘EQH/EQL’
    , tooltip = EQHL_BARS)

    eq_threshold = input.float(0.1, ‘Threshold’
    , minval = 0
    , maxval = 0.5
    , step = 0.1
    , group = ‘EQH/EQL’
    , tooltip = EQHL_THRESHOLD)

    eq_size = input.string(‘Tiny’, ‘Label Size’
    , options = [‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Normal’]
    , group = ‘EQH/EQL’)

    //Fair Value Gaps
    show_fvg = input(false, ‘Fair Value Gaps’
    , group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’
    , tooltip = SHOW_FVG)

    fvg_auto = input(true, “Auto Threshold”
    , group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’
    , tooltip = AUTO_FVG)

    fvg_tf = input.timeframe(”, “Timeframe”
    , group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’
    , tooltip = FVG_TF)

    bull_fvg_css = input.color(, 70), ‘Bullish FVG’
    , group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’)

    bear_fvg_css = input.color(, 70), ‘Bearish FVG’
    , group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’)

    fvg_extend =, “Extend FVG”
    , minval = 0
    , group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’
    , tooltip = EXTEND_FVG)

    //Previous day/week high/low
    show_pdhl = input(false, ‘Daily’
    , inline = ‘daily’
    , group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)

    pdhl_style = input.string(‘⎯⎯⎯’, ”
    , options = [‘⎯⎯⎯’, ‘—-‘, ‘····’]
    , inline = ‘daily’
    , group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)

    pdhl_css = input(#2157f3, ”
    , inline = ‘daily’
    , group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)

    show_pwhl = input(false, ‘Weekly’
    , inline = ‘weekly’
    , group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)

    pwhl_style = input.string(‘⎯⎯⎯’, ”
    , options = [‘⎯⎯⎯’, ‘—-‘, ‘····’]
    , inline = ‘weekly’
    , group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)

    pwhl_css = input(#2157f3, ”
    , inline = ‘weekly’
    , group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)

    show_pmhl = input(false, ‘Monthly’
    , inline = ‘monthly’
    , group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)

    pmhl_style = input.string(‘⎯⎯⎯’, ”
    , options = [‘⎯⎯⎯’, ‘—-‘, ‘····’]
    , inline = ‘monthly’
    , group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)

    pmhl_css = input(#2157f3, ”
    , inline = ‘monthly’
    , group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)

    //Premium/Discount zones
    show_sd = input(false, ‘Premium/Discount Zones’
    , group = ‘Premium & Discount Zones’
    , tooltip = PED_ZONES)

    premium_css = input.color(#f23645, ‘Premium Zone’
    , group = ‘Premium & Discount Zones’)

    eq_css = input.color(#b2b5be, ‘Equilibrium Zone’
    , group = ‘Premium & Discount Zones’)

    discount_css = input.color(#089981, ‘Discount Zone’
    , group = ‘Premium & Discount Zones’)

    n = bar_index

    atr = ta.atr(200)
    cmean_range = ta.cum(high – low) / n

    //HL Output function
    hl() => [high, low]

    //Get ohlc values function
    get_ohlc()=> [close[1], open[1], high, low, high[2], low[2]]

    //Display Structure function
    display_Structure(x, y, txt, css, dashed, down, lbl_size)=>
    structure_line =, y, n, y
    , color = css
    , style = dashed ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid)

    structure_lbl =, n)), y, txt
    , color = TRANSP_CSS
    , textcolor = css
    , style = down ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up
    , size = lbl_size)

    if mode == ‘Present’

    //Swings detection/measurements
    var os = 0

    upper = ta.highest(len)
    lower = ta.lowest(len)

    os := high[len] > upper ? 0 : low[len] < lower ? 1 : os[1]

    top = os == 0 and os[1] != 0 ? high[len] : 0
    btm = os == 1 and os[1] != 1 ? low[len] : 0

    [top, btm]

    //Order block coordinates function
    ob_coord(use_max, loc, target_top, target_btm, target_left, target_type)=>
    min = 99999999.
    max = 0.
    idx = 1

    ob_threshold = ob_filter == ‘Atr’ ? atr : cmean_range

    //Search for highest/lowest high within the structure interval and get range
    if use_max
    for i = 1 to (n – loc)-1
    if (high[i] – low[i]) < ob_threshold[i] * 2
    max := math.max(high[i], max)
    min := max == high[i] ? low[i] : min
    idx := max == high[i] ? i : idx
    for i = 1 to (n – loc)-1
    if (high[i] – low[i]) < ob_threshold[i] * 2
    min := math.min(low[i], min)
    max := min == low[i] ? high[i] : max
    idx := min == low[i] ? i : idx

    array.unshift(target_top, max)
    array.unshift(target_btm, min)
    array.unshift(target_left, time[idx])
    array.unshift(target_type, use_max ? -1 : 1)

    //Set order blocks
    display_ob(boxes, target_top, target_btm, target_left, target_type, show_last, swing, size)=>
    for i = 0 to math.min(show_last-1, size-1)
    get_box = array.get(boxes, i)

    box.set_lefttop(get_box, array.get(target_left, i), array.get(target_top, i))
    box.set_rightbottom(get_box, array.get(target_left, i), array.get(target_btm, i))
    box.set_extend(get_box, extend.right)

    color css = na

    if swing
    if style == ‘Monochrome’
    css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ?, 80) :, 80)
    border_css = array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? #b2b5be : #5d606b
    box.set_border_color(get_box, border_css)
    css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? bull_ob_css : bear_ob_css
    box.set_border_color(get_box, css)

    box.set_bgcolor(get_box, css)
    if style == ‘Monochrome’
    css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ?, 80) :, 80)
    css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? ibull_ob_css : ibear_ob_css

    box.set_border_color(get_box, css)
    box.set_bgcolor(get_box, css)

    //Line Style function
    get_line_style(style) =>
    out = switch style
    ‘⎯⎯⎯’ => line.style_solid
    ‘—-‘ => line.style_dashed
    ‘····’ => line.style_dotted

    //Set line/labels function for previous high/lows
    phl(h, l, tf, css)=>
    var line high_line =,na,na,na
    , xloc = xloc.bar_time
    , color = css
    , style = get_line_style(pdhl_style))

    var label high_lbl =,na
    , xloc = xloc.bar_time
    , text = str.format(‘P{0}H’, tf)
    , color = TRANSP_CSS
    , textcolor = css
    , size = size.small
    , style = label.style_label_left)

    var line low_line =,na,na,na
    , xloc = xloc.bar_time
    , color = css
    , style = get_line_style(pdhl_style))

    var label low_lbl =,na
    , xloc = xloc.bar_time
    , text = str.format(‘P{0}L’, tf)
    , color = TRANSP_CSS
    , textcolor = css
    , size = size.small
    , style = label.style_label_left)

    hy = ta.valuewhen(h != h[1], h, 1)
    hx = ta.valuewhen(h == high, time, 1)

    ly = ta.valuewhen(l != l[1], l, 1)
    lx = ta.valuewhen(l == low, time, 1)

    if barstate.islast
    ext = time + (time – time[1])*20

    line.set_xy1(high_line, hx, hy)
    line.set_xy2(high_line, ext, hy)

    label.set_xy(high_lbl, ext, hy)

    line.set_xy1(low_line, lx, ly)
    line.set_xy2(low_line, ext, ly)

    label.set_xy(low_lbl, ext, ly)

    //Global variables
    var trend = 0, var itrend = 0

    var top_y = 0., var top_x = 0
    var btm_y = 0., var btm_x = 0

    var itop_y = 0., var itop_x = 0
    var ibtm_y = 0., var ibtm_x = 0

    var trail_up = high, var trail_dn = low
    var trail_up_x = 0, var trail_dn_x = 0

    var top_cross = true, var btm_cross = true
    var itop_cross = true, var ibtm_cross = true

    var txt_top = ”, var txt_btm = ”

    bull_choch_alert = false
    bull_bos_alert = false

    bear_choch_alert = false
    bear_bos_alert = false

    bull_ichoch_alert = false
    bull_ibos_alert = false

    bear_ichoch_alert = false
    bear_ibos_alert = false

    bull_iob_break = false
    bear_iob_break = false

    bull_ob_break = false
    bear_ob_break = false

    eqh_alert = false
    eql_alert = false

    //Structure colors
    var bull_css = style == ‘Monochrome’ ? #b2b5be
    : swing_bull_css

    var bear_css = style == ‘Monochrome’ ? #b2b5be
    : swing_bear_css

    var ibull_css = style == ‘Monochrome’ ? #b2b5be
    : swing_ibull_css

    var ibear_css = style == ‘Monochrome’ ? #b2b5be
    : swing_ibear_css

    //Labels size
    var internal_structure_lbl_size = internal_structure_size == ‘Tiny’
    ? size.tiny
    : internal_structure_size == ‘Small’
    ? size.small
    : size.normal

    var swing_structure_lbl_size = swing_structure_size == ‘Tiny’
    ? size.tiny
    : swing_structure_size == ‘Small’
    ? size.small
    : size.normal

    var eqhl_lbl_size = eq_size == ‘Tiny’
    ? size.tiny
    : eq_size == ‘Small’
    ? size.small
    : size.normal

    [top, btm] = swings(length)

    [itop, ibtm] = swings(5)

    //Pivot High
    var line extend_top = na

    var label extend_top_lbl =, na
    , color = TRANSP_CSS
    , textcolor = bear_css
    , style = label.style_label_down
    , size = size.tiny)

    if top
    top_cross := true
    txt_top := top > top_y ? ‘HH’ : ‘LH’

    if show_swings
    top_lbl =, top, txt_top
    , color = TRANSP_CSS
    , textcolor = bear_css
    , style = label.style_label_down
    , size = swing_structure_lbl_size)

    if mode == ‘Present’

    //Extend recent top to last bar
    extend_top :=, top, n, top
    , color = bear_css)

    top_y := top
    top_x := n – length

    trail_up := top
    trail_up_x := n – length

    if itop
    itop_cross := true

    itop_y := itop
    itop_x := n – 5

    //Trailing maximum
    trail_up := math.max(high, trail_up)
    trail_up_x := trail_up == high ? n : trail_up_x

    //Set top extension label/line
    if barstate.islast and show_hl_swings
    line.set_xy1(extend_top, trail_up_x, trail_up)
    line.set_xy2(extend_top, n + 20, trail_up)

    label.set_x(extend_top_lbl, n + 20)
    label.set_y(extend_top_lbl, trail_up)
    label.set_text(extend_top_lbl, trend < 0 ? ‘Strong High’ : ‘Weak High’)

    //Pivot Low
    var line extend_btm = na

    var label extend_btm_lbl =, na
    , color = TRANSP_CSS
    , textcolor = bull_css
    , style = label.style_label_up
    , size = size.tiny)

    if btm
    btm_cross := true
    txt_btm := btm < btm_y ? ‘LL’ : ‘HL’

    if show_swings
    btm_lbl = – length, btm, txt_btm
    , color = TRANSP_CSS
    , textcolor = bull_css
    , style = label.style_label_up
    , size = swing_structure_lbl_size)

    if mode == ‘Present’

    //Extend recent btm to last bar
    extend_btm := – length, btm, n, btm
    , color = bull_css)

    btm_y := btm
    btm_x := n-length

    trail_dn := btm
    trail_dn_x := n-length

    if ibtm
    ibtm_cross := true

    ibtm_y := ibtm
    ibtm_x := n – 5

    //Trailing minimum
    trail_dn := math.min(low, trail_dn)
    trail_dn_x := trail_dn == low ? n : trail_dn_x

    //Set btm extension label/line
    if barstate.islast and show_hl_swings
    line.set_xy1(extend_btm, trail_dn_x, trail_dn)
    line.set_xy2(extend_btm, n + 20, trail_dn)

    label.set_x(extend_btm_lbl, n + 20)
    label.set_y(extend_btm_lbl, trail_dn)
    label.set_text(extend_btm_lbl, trend > 0 ? ‘Strong Low’ : ‘Weak Low’)

    //Order Blocks Arrays
    var iob_top = array.new_float(0)
    var iob_btm = array.new_float(0)
    var iob_left = array.new_int(0)
    var iob_type = array.new_int(0)

    var ob_top = array.new_float(0)
    var ob_btm = array.new_float(0)
    var ob_left = array.new_int(0)
    var ob_type = array.new_int(0)

    //Pivot High BOS/CHoCH
    var bull_concordant = true

    if ifilter_confluence
    bull_concordant := high – math.max(close, open) > math.min(close, open – low)

    //Detect internal bullish Structure
    if ta.crossover(close, itop_y) and itop_cross and top_y != itop_y and bull_concordant
    bool choch = na

    if itrend < 0
    choch := true
    bull_ichoch_alert := true
    bull_ibos_alert := true

    txt = choch ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BOS’

    if show_internals
    if show_ibull == ‘All’ or (show_ibull == ‘BOS’ and not choch) or (show_ibull == ‘CHoCH’ and choch)
    display_Structure(itop_x, itop_y, txt, ibull_css, true, true, internal_structure_lbl_size)

    itop_cross := false
    itrend := 1

    //Internal Order Block
    if show_iob
    ob_coord(false, itop_x, iob_top, iob_btm, iob_left, iob_type)

    //Detect bullish Structure
    if ta.crossover(close, top_y) and top_cross
    bool choch = na

    if trend < 0
    choch := true
    bull_choch_alert := true
    bull_bos_alert := true

    txt = choch ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BOS’

    if show_Structure
    if show_bull == ‘All’ or (show_bull == ‘BOS’ and not choch) or (show_bull == ‘CHoCH’ and choch)
    display_Structure(top_x, top_y, txt, bull_css, false, true, swing_structure_lbl_size)

    //Order Block
    if show_ob
    ob_coord(false, top_x, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type)

    top_cross := false
    trend := 1

    //Pivot Low BOS/CHoCH
    var bear_concordant = true

    if ifilter_confluence
    bear_concordant := high – math.max(close, open) < math.min(close, open – low)

    //Detect internal bearish Structure
    if ta.crossunder(close, ibtm_y) and ibtm_cross and btm_y != ibtm_y and bear_concordant
    bool choch = false

    if itrend > 0
    choch := true
    bear_ichoch_alert := true
    bear_ibos_alert := true

    txt = choch ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BOS’

    if show_internals
    if show_ibear == ‘All’ or (show_ibear == ‘BOS’ and not choch) or (show_ibear == ‘CHoCH’ and choch)
    display_Structure(ibtm_x, ibtm_y, txt, ibear_css, true, false, internal_structure_lbl_size)

    ibtm_cross := false
    itrend := -1

    //Internal Order Block
    if show_iob
    ob_coord(true, ibtm_x, iob_top, iob_btm, iob_left, iob_type)

    //Detect bearish Structure
    if ta.crossunder(close, btm_y) and btm_cross
    bool choch = na

    if trend > 0
    choch := true
    bear_choch_alert := true
    bear_bos_alert := true

    txt = choch ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BOS’

    if show_Structure
    if show_bear == ‘All’ or (show_bear == ‘BOS’ and not choch) or (show_bear == ‘CHoCH’ and choch)
    display_Structure(btm_x, btm_y, txt, bear_css, false, false, swing_structure_lbl_size)

    //Order Block
    if show_ob
    ob_coord(true, btm_x, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type)

    btm_cross := false
    trend := -1

    //Order Blocks
    //Set order blocks
    var iob_boxes = array.new_box(0)
    var ob_boxes = array.new_box(0)

    //Delete internal order blocks box coordinates if top/bottom is broken
    for element in iob_type
    index = array.indexof(iob_type, element)

    if close < array.get(iob_btm, index) and element == 1
    array.remove(iob_top, index)
    array.remove(iob_btm, index)
    array.remove(iob_left, index)
    array.remove(iob_type, index)
    bull_iob_break := true

    else if close > array.get(iob_top, index) and element == -1
    array.remove(iob_top, index)
    array.remove(iob_btm, index)
    array.remove(iob_left, index)
    array.remove(iob_type, index)
    bear_iob_break := true

    //Delete internal order blocks box coordinates if top/bottom is broken
    for element in ob_type
    index = array.indexof(ob_type, element)

    if close < array.get(ob_btm, index) and element == 1
    array.remove(ob_top, index)
    array.remove(ob_btm, index)
    array.remove(ob_left, index)
    array.remove(ob_type, index)
    bull_ob_break := true

    else if close > array.get(ob_top, index) and element == -1
    array.remove(ob_top, index)
    array.remove(ob_btm, index)
    array.remove(ob_left, index)
    array.remove(ob_type, index)
    bear_ob_break := true

    iob_size = array.size(iob_type)
    ob_size = array.size(ob_type)

    if barstate.isfirst
    if show_iob
    for i = 0 to iob_showlast-1
    array.push(iob_boxes,,na,na,na, xloc = xloc.bar_time))
    if show_ob
    for i = 0 to ob_showlast-1
    array.push(ob_boxes,,na,na,na, xloc = xloc.bar_time))

    if iob_size > 0
    if barstate.islast
    display_ob(iob_boxes, iob_top, iob_btm, iob_left, iob_type, iob_showlast, false, iob_size)

    if ob_size > 0
    if barstate.islast
    display_ob(ob_boxes, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type, ob_showlast, true, ob_size)

    var eq_prev_top = 0.
    var eq_top_x = 0

    var eq_prev_btm = 0.
    var eq_btm_x = 0

    if show_eq
    eq_top = ta.pivothigh(eq_len, eq_len)
    eq_btm = ta.pivotlow(eq_len, eq_len)

    if eq_top
    max = math.max(eq_top, eq_prev_top)
    min = math.min(eq_top, eq_prev_top)

    if max < min + atr * eq_threshold
    eqh_line =, eq_prev_top, n-eq_len, eq_top
    , color = bear_css
    , style = line.style_dotted)

    eqh_lbl =, eq_top_x)), eq_top, ‘EQH’
    , color = #00000000
    , textcolor = bear_css
    , style = label.style_label_down
    , size = eqhl_lbl_size)

    if mode == ‘Present’

    eqh_alert := true

    eq_prev_top := eq_top
    eq_top_x := n-eq_len

    if eq_btm
    max = math.max(eq_btm, eq_prev_btm)
    min = math.min(eq_btm, eq_prev_btm)

    if min > max – atr * eq_threshold
    eql_line =, eq_prev_btm, n-eq_len, eq_btm
    , color = bull_css
    , style = line.style_dotted)

    eql_lbl =, eq_btm_x)), eq_btm, ‘EQL’
    , color = #00000000
    , textcolor = bull_css
    , style = label.style_label_up
    , size = eqhl_lbl_size)

    eql_alert := true

    if mode == ‘Present’

    eq_prev_btm := eq_btm
    eq_btm_x := n-eq_len

    //Fair Value Gaps
    var bullish_fvg_max = array.new_box(0)
    var bullish_fvg_min = array.new_box(0)

    var bearish_fvg_max = array.new_box(0)
    var bearish_fvg_min = array.new_box(0)

    float bullish_fvg_avg = na
    float bearish_fvg_avg = na

    bullish_fvg_cnd = false
    bearish_fvg_cnd = false

    [src_c1, src_o1, src_h, src_l, src_h2, src_l2] =, fvg_tf, get_ohlc())

    if show_fvg
    delta_per = (src_c1 – src_o1) / src_o1 * 100

    change_tf = timeframe.change(fvg_tf)

    threshold = fvg_auto ? ta.cum(math.abs(change_tf ? delta_per : 0)) / n * 2
    : 0

    //FVG conditions
    bullish_fvg_cnd := src_l > src_h2
    and src_c1 > src_h2
    and delta_per > threshold
    and change_tf

    bearish_fvg_cnd := src_h < src_l2
    and src_c1 < src_l2
    and -delta_per > threshold
    and change_tf

    //FVG Areas
    if bullish_fvg_cnd
    array.unshift(bullish_fvg_max,, src_l, n + fvg_extend, math.avg(src_l, src_h2)
    , border_color = bull_fvg_css
    , bgcolor = bull_fvg_css))

    array.unshift(bullish_fvg_min,, math.avg(src_l, src_h2), n + fvg_extend, src_h2
    , border_color = bull_fvg_css
    , bgcolor = bull_fvg_css))

    if bearish_fvg_cnd
    array.unshift(bearish_fvg_max,, src_h, n + fvg_extend, math.avg(src_h, src_l2)
    , border_color = bear_fvg_css
    , bgcolor = bear_fvg_css))

    array.unshift(bearish_fvg_min,, math.avg(src_h, src_l2), n + fvg_extend, src_l2
    , border_color = bear_fvg_css
    , bgcolor = bear_fvg_css))

    for bx in bullish_fvg_min
    if low < box.get_bottom(bx)
    box.delete(array.get(bullish_fvg_max, array.indexof(bullish_fvg_min, bx)))

    for bx in bearish_fvg_max
    if high > box.get_top(bx)
    box.delete(array.get(bearish_fvg_min, array.indexof(bearish_fvg_max, bx)))

    //Previous day/week high/lows
    //Daily high/low
    [pdh, pdl] =, ‘D’, hl()
    , lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)

    //Weekly high/low
    [pwh, pwl] =, ‘W’, hl()
    , lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)

    //Monthly high/low
    [pmh, pml] =, ‘M’, hl()
    , lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)

    //Display Daily
    if show_pdhl
    phl(pdh, pdl, ‘D’, pdhl_css)

    //Display Weekly
    if show_pwhl
    phl(pwh, pwl, ‘W’, pwhl_css)

    //Display Monthly
    if show_pmhl
    phl(pmh, pml, ‘M’, pmhl_css)

    //Premium/Discount/Equilibrium zones
    var premium =, na, na, na
    , bgcolor =, 80)
    , border_color = na)

    var premium_lbl =, na
    , text = ‘Premium’
    , color = TRANSP_CSS
    , textcolor = premium_css
    , style = label.style_label_down
    , size = size.small)

    var eq =, na, na, na
    , bgcolor = color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 80)
    , border_color = na)

    var eq_lbl =, na
    , text = ‘Equilibrium’
    , color = TRANSP_CSS
    , textcolor = eq_css
    , style = label.style_label_left
    , size = size.small)

    var discount =, na, na, na
    , bgcolor =, 80)
    , border_color = na)

    var discount_lbl =, na
    , text = ‘Discount’
    , color = TRANSP_CSS
    , textcolor = discount_css
    , style = label.style_label_up
    , size = size.small)

    //Show Premium/Discount Areas
    if barstate.islast and show_sd
    avg = math.avg(trail_up, trail_dn)

    box.set_lefttop(premium, math.max(top_x, btm_x), trail_up)
    box.set_rightbottom(premium, n, .95 * trail_up + .05 * trail_dn)

    label.set_xy(premium_lbl, int(math.avg(math.max(top_x, btm_x), n)), trail_up)

    box.set_lefttop(eq, math.max(top_x, btm_x), .525 * trail_up + .475*trail_dn)
    box.set_rightbottom(eq, n, .525 * trail_dn + .475 * trail_up)

    label.set_xy(eq_lbl, n, avg)

    box.set_lefttop(discount, math.max(top_x, btm_x), .95 * trail_dn + .05 * trail_up)
    box.set_rightbottom(discount, n, trail_dn)
    label.set_xy(discount_lbl, int(math.avg(math.max(top_x, btm_x), n)), trail_dn)

    var color trend_css = na

    if show_trend
    if style == ‘Colored’
    trend_css := itrend == 1 ? bull_css : bear_css
    else if style == ‘Monochrome’
    trend_css := itrend == 1 ? #b2b5be : #5d606b

    plotcandle(open, high, low, close
    , color = trend_css
    , wickcolor = trend_css
    , bordercolor = trend_css
    , editable = false)

    //Internal Structure
    alertcondition(bull_ibos_alert, ‘Internal Bullish BOS’, ‘Internal Bullish BOS formed’)
    alertcondition(bull_ichoch_alert, ‘Internal Bullish CHoCH’, ‘Internal Bullish CHoCH formed’)

    alertcondition(bear_ibos_alert, ‘Internal Bearish BOS’, ‘Internal Bearish BOS formed’)
    alertcondition(bear_ichoch_alert, ‘Internal Bearish CHoCH’, ‘Internal Bearish CHoCH formed’)

    //Swing Structure
    alertcondition(bull_bos_alert, ‘Bullish BOS’, ‘Internal Bullish BOS formed’)
    alertcondition(bull_choch_alert, ‘Bullish CHoCH’, ‘Internal Bullish CHoCH formed’)

    alertcondition(bear_bos_alert, ‘Bearish BOS’, ‘Bearish BOS formed’)
    alertcondition(bear_choch_alert, ‘Bearish CHoCH’, ‘Bearish CHoCH formed’)

    //order Blocks
    alertcondition(bull_iob_break, ‘Bullish Internal OB Breakout’, ‘Price broke bullish internal OB’)
    alertcondition(bear_iob_break, ‘Bearish Internal OB Breakout’, ‘Price broke bearish internal OB’)

    alertcondition(bull_ob_break, ‘Bullish Swing OB Breakout’, ‘Price broke bullish swing OB’)
    alertcondition(bear_ob_break, ‘Bearish Swing OB Breakout’, ‘Price broke bearish swing OB’)

    alertcondition(eqh_alert, ‘Equal Highs’, ‘Equal highs detected’)
    alertcondition(eql_alert, ‘Equal Lows’, ‘Equal lows detected’)

    alertcondition(bullish_fvg_cnd, ‘Bullish FVG’, ‘Bullish FVG formed’)
    alertcondition(bearish_fvg_cnd, ‘Bearish FVG’, ‘Bearish FVG formed’)



    Here you have the code:

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Good morning Iván Thank you for your great work!

    The indicator does have errors when it runs for a while, the fonts for Weak High/Low + Strong High overlap. Some bars overlap and become darker. If the time setting is changed everything is fine again and after a few minutes it starts again from the beginning.


    Hi, yes. you can solve it with defparam drawlastonlastbaronly=true


    Or better if we work just with arrays. Now the code should work fine

    2 users thanked author for this post.

    Hi guys and thanks for this interesting indicator.

    There is an error line 457 I cannot correct:

    drawrectangle($targetLeft[i],$targetBot[i],n+20,$targetTop[i])coloured(“yellow”,0)fillcolor(“yellow”,100)PRC_Smart Money Concepts(1)

    I assume PRC_Smart Money Concepts(1) is a missed copy/paste, right ?


    hi! yes, I don’t know why…
    Attached you will find the itf file.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Hi Ivan,

    Thank you for this code.

    Is it possible to put the FVG’s in as well?

    Many thanks


    2 users thanked author for this post.

    Beginner’s luck or not, I am on demo and the NQ hit the H4 liquidity zone computed by the indicator 375 points winning trade.


    Hola Ivan,¿Puedes añadir flechas cuando se produzcan BOS y CHoCH fuertes, sólo los que tienen una línea sólida para mostrar rupturas de la estructura del mercado y reversiones de tendencia más grandes?Como muestro en la imagen.



    3 users thanked author for this post.

    Thank you, Ivan- Are the FVGs possible to code into the indicator? as they are an integral part of it


    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Iván, sería tremendo si me puedes sacar el Screener del indicador anterior cuando se producen las flechas hacia arriba o hacia abajo…..

    Para que me entiendas…… aunque ya sé que está mal escrito eh:

    //——Draw Structure———————————————————//
    for i=g downto 0 do
    if $topchoch[i]=1 then
    for i=w downto 0 do
    if $botchoch[i]=1 then




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