Spreads of different assets, where to find?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Spreads of different assets, where to find?

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  • #42533

    Stupid question but I often have difficulties to find the spread for an asset on IGs website. I always google it. Is there a way to find the spread of an asset on IG’s website little more easily?

    Right now I’m searching for the spreads of the volatility indices (VIX, VSTOXX and so on).


    Well my ig is in french and so is link below, but I’ll say how I reach this page in french and I guess the same type of path in your local language website or the english website will give you the equivalent page


    Path is:

    • go to ig.com
    • hover the mouse above “index” (or indices, not sure how it appears on english website) (same will work for hovering over “forex”), a menu appears, 1st item should be “presentation”, second item should be english equivaent of “tarification trading sur indice”, click on this second one
    • there appear only a few spreads in a table, and below it a “see all conditions” clickable line, click on that line
    • there you have a bigger table with all markets, details for spreads are in 4th column, and at top of table several tabs (see picture, surrounded in blue)
    • click on the second tab circled in blue in attached picture to reach the list where Vix is for example (end of list in “other markets”)
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    The VIX were in the 3rd tab but thank you so much! Frustrating to have to search for such basic information and this on a sunday. 😉


    Hi Despair!

    Maybe this sheet can help you? It doesn’t include all the markets you’re looking for but it could still be good to have. Think I got it from @Ale.

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