Stop Loss too close set

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 months ago by avatarJS.
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  • #233371

    I often have the problem that the STOP LOSS is too close set (error msg from IG)
    Thats why when I enter the trade I ll add the min amount of Stop Loss like :

    For the NASDAQ thats already quite high and I would like it to reduce it after the first trade with
    SET STOP PLOSS AnyNumberSmallerThan2Percent

    but unfortunately it does not work, knows someone why?


    IG’s info about US Tech 100 Cash (1€) (NASDAQ) reads:

    1. Minimum STOP distance  ………………      8       (pips or points)
    2. Minimum STOP distance  (guaranteed) 2%   (percentage)

    those figures are usually not fixed, but may be increased by the broker in case of unusual volatility.

    So you have to first know which one of the above minimum requirements is applicabile to you, then try to raise that limit a bit to keep your code running smoothly even when volatility is unusual.





    When you start the strategy in “ProOrder AutoTrading” there is an option (IG) to have your “stops” adjusted by IG when they change the minimum distance (in times of volatility) …

    Have you tried this option yet?

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