Stop Orders being forgotten by PRT

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Stop Orders being forgotten by PRT

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  • #59757

    Good Day

    So yesterday I experienced the following rather serious issue (im with IG);
    Basically my strategy runs on the 5min timeframe of the EURUSD and places both a long and short stop order every 5min until either the long or short order is triggered.
    Once a position is opened (filled) no further stop orders are placed until the open position is closed.
    Obviously this means that as long as no position is opened, and the previous stop orders aren’t filled, the previous stop orders will be deleted.
    However, it happened that one of the old stop orders never got deleted after new stop orders were placed (and eventually filled).
    So a couple of hours down the line that stop order got triggered, basically without PRT knowing about it as the original filled (correct) order was already closed.
    I informed IG about the issue, providing them with the details of the stop orders clearly showing that it never got deleted as it was supposed to.
    They referred me to PRT support, and now I am waiting for answers.
    1 user thanked author for this post.

    So now they want me to submit a technical report. Something which I do not like doing as I don’t understand why they need access to every single piece of code and strategy I have.

    It would make much more sense if could just submit the version of the strategy that was live at the time.

    I also wonder how I would know my code is safe from misuse?


    It would make much more sense if could just submit the version of the strategy that was live at the time.

    Why don’t just send only this one by email then?


    I did communicate with PRT but they want me to work via IG, and IG wants me to submit a Technical Report.

    Bit frustrating actually.


    Hello Juanj,

    Since you have a direct account with IG, all communications have indeed to go through them.

    However, for ProOrder related issues, IG relies on the analysis made by the IT-Finance teams.

    This is why it helps if you send two reports: one via the Help > Technical support menu of the platform AND one directly to IG’s customer support.

    Once the analysis is made by IT-Finance and transmitted to IG, IG will reply to you directly.

    All the best,




    Bonjour Ilaria

    I also have a big problem with my automatic trading system

    which started to trade alone and opened 3 positions without any order from my strategies resulting in a net loss of about 60 euros.

    I sent a message via “report an automatic trading problem” and I’m waiting for the answer !!

    I would like to retrieve this message to copy it and put it here, and send it as you say to IG what I did not do, is there a way to get it somewhere ???


    ( en français ) Je viens également d’avoir un gros problème avec  mon systeme de trading automatique

    qui s’est mis à trader tout seul et a ouvert 3 positions sans aucun ordre  venant de mes stratégies d’où une perte nette de 60 euros environ.

    J’ai envoyé  un message via ” signaler un problème de trading automatique ” et j’attends la réponse!!

    J’aimerais récupérer ce message pour le copier et le mettre ici ,  et l’envoyer comme vous dites à IG ce que je n’ai pas fait,   il y a t il un moyen  de le récupérer quelque part???




    Hi Madrosat,

    Please send your IG account number to I’ll see if can find your message and send you a copy via email.



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