Stopped Algos List – Not Useful?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Stopped Algos List – Not Useful?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 days ago by avatardruby.
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  • #245082

    Has anybody found a use for the ‘Stopped Algos List’ in it’s present form as shown attached?

    We have had this now for 18 months or more and I still find it annoying and serves no useful purpose.

    If we could click on the yellow triangle and the Algo stay in the top section / List, then okay it would be useful as then we could add the reason for the Stoppage in the Comments column.

    But – in it’s current form – as soon as we click on the yellow triangle / acknowledge the reason for Stoppage, the Algo dissappears from the top section / List and we then have to go searching for it if we want to add the reason for Stoppage in the Comments column.  Then back to the top section again to acknowledge another Algo then search for the Algo again then back to the top section … this action has to be repeated until all Algo have been acknowledged.

    The alternative to above … is to ‘acknowledge en-masse’ all stopped Algos. But then we have to make notes as to which Algo was stopped for what reason to be able to add the reasons in the Comments Column (in order to remember to later correct the problem).

    All above is a time-wasting faff and all because the Stopped Algo are listeed at the top, but then ‘shoot down the bottom’ as soon as acknowledged!

    In my opinion the ‘Stopped Algos List’ needs to be …

    1. Modified so thatAlgos stay in the top section after being ‘Acknowledged’.


    2.   Scrap the ‘Stopped Algos List’ in it’s current form and revert back to the previous version where Stopped Algos appear, showing a yellow triangle, in the list along with other stopped Algos.

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    Hello! I'm going to forward this post to PRT's Suggestions Department for review. I hope something can be done.

    2 users thanked author for this post.

    Don’t know if this is any help but…

    If you click on the yellow triangle of a stopped system so stop reason box comes up, note the stoppage, DON’T click on ok to close, use the close box ‘X’, this leaves the stopped system in the stopped list, you can then enter your comment for the stoppage.

    Another bug is that you can right click the stopped system in the stop list, and have the option to ‘START’ the system, but when chosen, it just brings the stop reason box up again. Clicking OK this time dumps the algo in the not running list, somewhere!

    I’ve not yet tried/tested this but I have an idea that, if you prefix your comments with YYMMDD  hhmmss, placing the latest comment always at the top of list of comments, and then index by the comments column(descending order) the latest comments may be at the top due to the text prefix. If no other format used on non running systems (groups, etc) then hopefully latest comments entries will be at the top. If groups, etc used, they may be at top of their section. The comments section obviously needs to be enabled in the not running list.

    The algo comment box, although allows spaces, tabs and line returns when reading and writing with the box open, when its closed, the text shown in the column box doesn’t include these, only spaces if between two words. Why!…  The text can be well formatted in the box but it may be an idea to add something like ‘…’ as a delimiter between comment entries so they don’t append together when box is closed. If initial part of comment entry is keep short, a small comment width may be enough to display last stoppage date/time and why all the time.


    2 users thanked author for this post.

    DON’T click on ok to close

    Nice One druby!
    Mad with myself for not seeing / trying that before, but thanks for the prompt and also for the other tips!

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Another note about the algo comments column, having the ‘edit’ and ‘delete’ next to each other may be a recipe for disaster. If you have compiled comments over time, one slip and there gone. You could retrieve them by re-loading workspace, but may have a dilemma, if you realise at the time, of losing comments or losing non saved latest edits. May have to save current workspace as a new workspace to retrieve, if not too late…

    It may be an idea to have a ‘are you sure’ prompt before deleting!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
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