Store Volatility number 1-2hrs before opening a trade

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Store Volatility number 1-2hrs before opening a trade

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  • #9993

    Hi all,

    I’m trying to test the volatility prior to opening a trade. I’m trying to identify if Volatility has spike over a certain number during the last two hours and if so the trade should not open. How do I go about effectively storing it to a variable and then re-use at the time the trades tests the market before it opens a trade?



    How do you measure volatility? If you have your own formula, you can look at its value with simple offset in the past.


    I use the Chaikan Volatility indicator. So to measure the max, lets say from 7am to 9am one can use code like

    That will give me the MAX no before the trade might open at 090500. But I need the reading to be ZERO before 7am and then ZERO again after 9am.



    You want to reset your VOLATEST value to 0 after 090000 ? Anyway, just set VOLATEST=0 at the TIME you want.

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