Strategy stop-loss

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  • #9387

    It appears that the code below only checks the strategy p&l once the current trade is stopped-out?

    Is that right?

    Very often, the marked-to-market p&l is less than the “stopout” level but the algo carries on trading until the current position is exited. It seems to be only then that it checks the strategy p&l. I would like it to check the p&l after every change in price and stop trading immediately the “stopout” level is hit. How is this written?


    Many thanks


    if StrategyProfit <= StopOut then




    That’s right, STRATEGYPROFIT is updated with closed trades.

    You can use POSITIONPERF to know actual positions PnL.



    strategyprofit + p&l from open positions = realtime p&l

    It seems POSITIONPERF is a ratio.


    What is the simplest way to convert this into a currency amount for an open position … positionperf*positionprice?



    You can compute the floating profit with this function:

    and add it to STRATEGYPROFIT to get the whole account profit (closed trades + not closed ones).



    Great – thank you Nicolas

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