STRATEGYPROFIT difference between Automated trading and Backtest

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support STRATEGYPROFIT difference between Automated trading and Backtest

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by avatarhugh.
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  • #42392


    I note that STRATEGYPROFIT when using ProOrder in Backtest mode returns the gain/loss for the strategy from the commencement of the system. However if I use it in Automated Trading mode is it going to return the same value as that returned in the Backtest mode or will it return the REAL Gain/Loss made by each trade since the system was made live? i.e the Gains/Losses at the Broker (not including costs).



    It will return the same thing, as you stated: ” the gain/loss for the strategy from the commencement of the system”

    So if you start the strategy today, it will only returns the profit/loss starting from today (which is the “commencement”)  🙂



    To clarify though – do you mean the real cash gains/losses using the automated system or the gains/losses showing on the Backtest?

    I have a Backtest running which shows the current gains, say, at $2000.  I then run the same strategy starting today on a Live automated trading platform, so my actual gains are $0 currently.  Does STRATEGYPROFIT return 2000 or 0?



    It will return zero. Overtime you take a strategy offline, change it and put it only again it restarts from zero (because it simply is a new strategy for PRT).

    I solved the problem with a variable “startequity” that I have in all my strategies. When I take a strategy offline and make changes I always update this variable manually so I keep track and know “the real” cumulated strategy profit.


    Much appreciated – thanks. It seemed obvious but I thought I had better make sure.

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