System levels for coding

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support System levels for coding

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  • #161681

    I’ve not explored this thoroughly and will put in a ticket, but I have a code entering at or below 13870 and the low is 13869.4 the close is 13869.5

    So the code should have bought when below 13870 which is clearly was.

    However the program hasn’t kicked in and is running on the 1 second chart. So based on experience I’m wondering whether this is the server issue not always executing or whether its a coding issue in relation to what the servers see as the level… my spread is mid price on charts so a quick think and I’m wondering whether it may be seeing price differently to my price level as if not then its not coding and I cant rely onthe system to execute.

    Anything obvious?



    Just to note this is for a manual entry of specific trades an dhas no associated orders other than the at market order to buy or sell



    never mind that… maybe typos in code after amendments.. need to check

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