The June 17 Downgrade – Thank you ! (not)

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support The June 17 Downgrade – Thank you ! (not)

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  • #235345

    So here we have the first exhibit of PRT’s inimitable change as per June 17, to throw out positions when random errors occur at the Broker. The new regime ran exactly one month without noticeable anomaly. And then all my systems were thrown out across the board. Notice : this is about PRT-IB.

    Anyone else ? of course not, because I seem to be the only real user of PRT and Autotrading. Mind you please, Live. But otherwise let me know, because what went wrong here is only to be guessed. Therefore my situation :

    At 01:09 am till 01:11 am (Amsterdam) gradually all my systems were kicked out. Per instrument that came along with an email message like this :


    U ontvangt dit bericht om u te informeren dat het volgende handelssysteem is gestopt.

    Dit systeem is gestopt om een van de volgende redenen:

    • of u heeft een handmatige order geplaatst op hetzelfde instrument (bijv. vanaf een ander platform van uw broker),
    • of de broker heeft uw positie op dit instrument geheel of gedeeltelijk geliquideerd.

    Daarom zijn alle resterende orders of posities bewaard.**

    Klik hier voor de uitvoeringsvoorwaarden van automatische handelssystemen.



    • Naam van het systeem: MES-[…] (1 seconde)
    • Instrument: Micro E-mini S&P500 Only092

    In the whole PRT platform(s – it occurred in all accounts) there’s nothing more to find than the error at the orange triangle in the ProOrder form you see below.

    So,  Systems are kicked out for new reason number 127 (guessing this number but it could be close to that), but what is new since June 17, is that all adjacent Positions are also closed.

    **): (see in email text above) this claims that Positions sustained because of a perceived indication that I mangled things elsewhere like through IBKR’s Trader Workstation and that THUS my Positions will sustain (which would comply to the June 17 rule indeed), which they were not at all and instead were all closed. And thus they all registered a loss (because being in a loss – this is how it happens to be often).

    In conclusion, ProRealTime with their *&#&$(*&$ of an unheard below zero, introduced another plethora of anomaly because of their unsurpassed dealing with interface communication with their out of all only one of two brokers (some claim three).
    And don’t say I did not promise this to happen.

    Intriguing question for me : who else ran into this tonight ? and assumed you exist, what is your contribution to what happened ? I don’t see anything anywhere. No messages from TWS or IBKR otherwise.

    I just restarted all Systems and two of them (in two accounts) took a Position by now. So it is not that something definitely stopped working. And No, no Margin Calls in sight whatsoever.


    Hi Peter!
    Did you contact with support team?


    Yes Iván, I did yesterday afternoon.
    Like in here, nobody else announced him or herself with this issue. ProRealTime is sorting out what can have happened.

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