Ticker code in Screener results?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProScreener support Ticker code in Screener results?

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  • #128848

    Hi am looking for a way to add the ticker code in the results section of my ProScreener. It would be useful for then searching for company fundamentals, at least a description of the company profile! All these amazing companies and I don’t know what any of them does!

    So at first I hoped to just add a column to the results, but I have not found how to do this . Is it even possible to add acolumn?

    A second approach might be to return the ticker code in the criteria column from the SCREENER command. Again not sure how to do this.

    Maybe there is another way, any help appreciated. Thanks 🙂



    Screeners can only return one column as a sorting criterion.

    I think it’s possible to add/remove columns clicking the spanner to modify the screener’s list.

    There is an ID column.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Thanks Roberto! indeed there is and in that you find a list of column headings. Among which is the Ticker! Great Thanks again

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