Trading chart

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by avatarbaaz.
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  • #14071

    Hi’ guys,

    Am new to automatic trading and need some advice here. Searched for some inspiration on how to ensure the automatic trading only happen in the chosen timeframe, but couldn’t find anything of interest in the top few pages. When I start the Automatic Trading, how do I ensure, it only trades in the timeframe I want to. E.g., I want to run a code for the 7 min timeframe – what code to add to make sure the trades are not happening in a different timeframe?



    when you create an automated strategy it can only be in one timeframe, and that’s the one you choose to run it on. for a 7 min- I think you would need to select the (x) sec and enter 420. that would be 7 min. you start by backtesting it, and for the live you also need to choose your timefram. pretty easy. But please let your code run on demo papertrading for at least 2 month before running it on live.


    Thanks. Sounds good.

    I get your point regarding demo papertrading…but how do I actually do it, when I am running through IG and cannot see the button anymore? I had backtested a strategy for France40, which gave 85% winning trades and 7x gain/loss ratio. Don’t know what happened when I played with the start date and end date…. now rebuilding everything. 🙂


    Hi @baaz. IG does not offer PRT’s PaperTrading module – wish they would reconsider. If you want to test PRT autotrading using IG, you will have to use an IG demo account. Not that big a deal for instruments that they provide data for at no cost, but for things like stocks, this is a huge problem, as they only provide this data for 2 weeks on a demo account, and have no mechanism to provide this for a longer period.




    As Stef says, you need a demo account to run the “papertrading” Live. I don’t understand what you mean by “cannot see the button anymore?”- what button?

    Sometimes you loose your work if PRT close unexpected. So try and save your work from time to time 🙂 Also the winnings and gain/loss you have alsmost sound to good to be true- you need to investegate if there is any zero bar trading. Story short- if your trade is closed within the same bar- it will always take the profit and never the SL. that is not true in real live trading. I suggest that you post your trading code and results here, as they would do in the libary for strategy, and let the community have a look and come with suggestions. Trust me it not as easy to make profitable Proorder as you might think, also there is no “holy grail” 🙂


    I think I know the reason. I had the trailing stop, which in back testing did not activate. So basically, the trades were waiting to become positive and then hit target. In essence no loss and huge problem for the account margin. 🙂


    Anyway, thanks for your advice.

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